jd mason, yoga military, kundalini yoga military, military healing, security healing

Yoga & Energy Healing: Integration into the Military and Security Communities

Yoga in the Security Community: Mindfulness

The New York Times just published an article on how Mindfulness is being incorporated into the US military, and how it is benefiting all levels of the organization.  military healing

mindfulness in the military, military yoga, meditation military, energy healing military

As part of the Yogic lineage, it warms my heart to see the Yogic Teachings being used by our world’s security forces.

I know how hard the Masters worked to bring these teachings (of which Mindfulness is a subset) to North America and the West. They would be pleased to see that their loving plan is working.


Yoga in the Security Community: Kundalini Yoga

There is another subset of the teachings, however, that would benefit our security forces: That subset is Kundalini Yoga.

Indeed, when I was invited in 2011 to speak to a conference of US intelligence analysts, given my experience with working for Canada’s National Security Advisor, I weaved two Kundalini Yoga practices into the presentation.

Why?  Because as a Teacher of Kundalini Yoga, I know that these practices are effective.  As well, I have long advocated for “building a better human.”

We are, after all, humans.


Here are some slides from that presentation.  Note that the conference wanted me to speak about what I felt were qualities that an intelligence professional needed in order to support decisionmakers in the Intelligence and Security Community.

mciis, jen wozny, intelligence decisionmakers, intelligence analysts mciis, jen wozny, intelligence decisionmakers, intelligence analysts mciis, jen wozny, intelligence decisionmakers, intelligence analysts mciis, jen wozny, intelligence decisionmakers, intelligence analysts mciis, jen wozny, intelligence decisionmakers, intelligence analysts


Then in 2018, the US military asked the public to submit ideas on how to train military leaders in the practice of Mindfulness.  The response that a colleague and I submitted invited the military to consider implementing not simply Mindfulness but instead Kundalini Yoga:

kundalini yoga military, kundalini yoga, request for information

kundalini yoga military, kundalini yoga, request for information

“What Kundalini Yoga offers is efficiency….

We propose that the U.S. Army take this opportunity to…develop a KY-based attention program…so that Soldiers are equipped to respond to battlefield pressures effectively and in real time.”

Yoga in the Security Community: The Ultimate Technology

While I believe in the power of these two levels of Yoga, an even-higher level of the Yogic Teachings represents, in my opinion, the ideal situation: This would be to integrate Energy Healing into our security apparatus.

To include embedding Energy Healers with deployed units.  (Which, “kinda sorta,” has already been tried.)

Just a thought.  😉


Contact me here.


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