Experience the benefits of deep energy healing, combined with holistic guidance and coaching:soul healing, alternative healing, energy healer ontario, holistic healing, remote energy healing
Stronger boundaries. Speaking your truth. Healthier relationships with spouse and kids. Wholeness after abuse. Feeling empowered. Spiritual guidance. Help with the awakening process. Clarity on life situations. Getting unstuck. Feelings of lightness. Greater authenticity. Calmer emotions, and the absence of negative emotions. Feelings of peace. Positive outlook and reason for hope. Happiness. Relaxation. Better sleep. Increased physical comfort. Clearer thinking. Trust in your higher guidance and life’s path.
And so much more.
My appointments address your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.
They can help you, meaningfully, whether you are
– stressed, exhausted, emotional;
– in pain with migraines, Fibromyalgia, or other body aches and tension;
– experiencing chronic health issues, such as PTSD, C-PTSD, or mystery illnesses;
– experiencing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety;
– feeling a sense of heaviness, fog, confusion, or even darkness;
– in the midst of a life change, such as divorce, career change, or spiritual awakening;
– recovering from surgery, including C-sections and dental work;
– needing help with your spiritual life and psychic abilities;
– going through the Dark Night of the Soul;
– seeking guidance from your Higher Self or from someone who has walked the path; or
– experiencing nearly any other concern.
Every appointment features:
– energy healing (a blend of Reiki, Shamanism, and Psychic Healing);
– intuitive, holistic guidance and coaching; and
– homework, so that once the session ends, you have a clear direction and can continue your journey.
Appointments are virtual (phone/Skype), and available worldwide. (To view my in-person schedule, click here.)
Continue reading below for more information, or click the button to book an appointment or a free consultation:
spiritual healing, alternative medicine, energy healing ontario, wellness coaching, distant energy healing
My Approach is Unique
I take a multifaceted approach to every problem—because nearly every problem indeed has many aspects that need to be addressed in order to be successful. This means, for example, that along with doing energy healing for you, I may suggest behavioral changes, lifestyle adjustments, diet and nutrition to help your situation, and even a visit to a complementary practitioner.
I approach each condition from a Functional Medicine perspective. Functional Medicine seeks to find the root cause of the problem, and understands that just because two people have the same symptom does not mean that they have the same causes. Indeed, many possible things could be underlying your symptom.
I connect to your very soul. I call forth all of who you are and have always been; the ancient, wise, and massive part of you that resides mostly in the non-physical world. It is this part of you that I facilitate healing on. Calling on the soul allows me to: find the true root cause of an issue, even if it began in a past life; heal the entire issue, from that past life up until your current life; work with every aspect of who you are and have ever been, to include ancestral history, cords, karmas, and deep-rooted relationships; identify the first thing that needs attention; and deal effectively with what’s happening in your life.
This energy healing technique that I use is my own soul’s approach to healing. I pioneered this method during a years-long, extremely intense process called the Shamanic Awakening journey. The Shamanic Awakening journey is undertaken not with human teachers but with Spirit and Source themselves, and is done for the purpose of helping the world through its next phase of evolution. As I was being trained to heal myself and the Cosmos, I was required to develop a method that would reach the deepest recesses of our souls; this is what allows me to address the true root causes of our pain. It is that unique technique that I offer to my clients.
I meet you wherever you’re at. I know the journey of healing, spiritual awakening, personal transformation, and the dark night of the soul from the very beginning to the very end; I know the highs, the lows, and the level planes. I have also gone far enough ahead to be a trailblazer of new knowledge. I can therefore help you gracefully navigate any part of those journeys, as well as explain to you what’s happening and why.
I take you as far as you want to go. Because of my experience in the trailblazing aspect of energy healing, holistic health, and spirituality, I can guide you to possibilities that you might never have considered, and which haven’t yet found their way into conventional literature.
I work with genuine health concerns, whether you have a mental health diagnosis or a physical illness, or you just know that you could be feeling better than you currently do. With each concern, I address it layer by layer, until there’s nothing left. That is what it means to heal.
I work with advanced spiritual issues, as well as mystery issues and complex situations. I also acknowledge that the spirit world is not all lighted and loving, and help my clients through the darker issues that face us. For more information on these topics, please see my Energetic Security page.awakening coach
My philosophy is that full healing will never be found in just one single modality, no matter how powerful a given modality is. Rather, healing is a process, a journey; and one that requires a comprehensive, multifaceted approach in order to address all parts of a wound, injury, or illness. I myself try to be as much of a “one-stop shop” as possible for my clients, so that they are not endlessly Googling where to go and what to try. I therefore draw on my personal experience with and study of dozens of modalities and subjects, to provide clients with recommendations about what—outside of our appointments—might help their situation. I also do not hesitate to suggest that clients seek out other practitioners whose modalities will complement their work with me.
I come from the corporate world; I speak plain language, even about esoteric topics. (My CV is here.) I also blend my background in Psychology with my nature as an investigator and an analyst to provide you with a whole-health approach that is grounded in science and practicality. Is energy healing scientific? Yes, it is. It has been studied scientifically for more than a hundred years, and I follow as much of this literature as I can.
I blend energy healing together with life coaching and holistic guidance to give you the most fulsome and comprehensive support available. While each of these indeed has value on their own, to me they should not be separated.
I explain all of the information that relates to your case, so that you understand what is happening and why. At heart, I am an educator. I want you to be empowered by having complete information.
I believe in Confidentiality and I believe in Consent. Every appointment is Confidential, giving you a safe and protected space to become vulnerable and share what’s going on. And I only ever do energy healing when I have obtained your direct consent; I will never touch your energy until I have asked your permission and you in turn have told me a clear, informed “yes.”
I work with trauma. I pursue continuing education in healing trauma, PTSD, C-PTSD, and what I call “Psychic PTSD.” I have also studied trauma through my own lived experience. All of my work is therefore trauma aware and trauma sensitive.
I do all of my appointments remotely—by phone or Skype. Remote energy healing is an advanced and ancient form of energy work, and it is the most effective in terms of identifying the root cause of an issue and being able to heal it. This means that not only do you get the best treatment, but you can do so from the comfort of home, outdoors, or wherever you want to be during the appointment, as well as wherever you are in the world. (I myself am in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. If you are nearby, then you can view the dates for my in-person sessions here; these use the same remote-healing method, with the only difference being that we’re in the same room.) I am proud to have clients on six out of the seven continents, and do my best to accommodate time zones.
I offer free consultations. It’s important that you have the opportunity to speak with me before you make a commitment. If you have questions, want to know more, or just want to see if we’re a good fit, then book a free consultation here.
energy healing ontario, alternative medicine
I know that transformation and healing is fundamentally your job to do, but that I can support you and guide you, and hold space for your highest, healthiest possibility. And so I do.
soul healing, alternative healing, energy healer ontario, holistic healing, remote energy healing
What My Clients Say:
“The lightness and healing I feel after each healing is the best feeling.”
“I have never felt such an amazing healing as Jen’s.”
“The issue I had completely disappeared and hasn’t resurfaced.”
“I know this treatment gave me the last (big) nudge I need and I have FINALLY found my voice and have begun speaking my truth.”
“When I come to Jen for guidance, she is wholly present and pays attention to each minute detail.”
“She understands the depths, breadth and magnitude of deep energy healing/clearing.”
“Tremendously knowledgeable and insightful.”
“She has helped me really heal myself so that I may be my authentic self.”
“A true professional.”
“She has changed my life.”
“Her services are so calming, healing and completely rid me of tension and stress.”
“You are an Authentic spiritual teacher. You fully embody the teachings.”
Read more Kind Words from clients.
soul healing, alternative healing, energy healer ontario, holistic healing, remote energy healing
Administrative Details
Payment and Scheduling: Once you purchase your appointment, you will see—on the Order Confirmation page—a link to my online scheduling system. There, you will be able to choose your preferred day and time for your appointment.
Business hours are listed at the bottom of this page. My online schedule allows you to book up to two months in advance.
I will call you when the appointment begins, so please also include the best phone number at which to reach you.
International Clients: If you are outside of Canada and the continental United States, then we will connect on Skype.
Please note that my schedule will book your appointment in Eastern Standard Time. If the offered hours do not fit well with your time zone, then:
– proceed to book your appointment and complete the scheduling process;
– but email me to let me know that we need to find a more comfortable time for your appointment; and
– please include your Skype address so that I can call you on that platform.
I do my best to accommodate my international clients. I have worked with clients in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
Cancellation and Postponement Policy: All appointment purchases are subject to my cancellation and postponement policy. Please review this information here. Appointments are valid for one year after the date of purchase. After this time, the purchase has expired.
Important: Please review the Consent Form. By submitting payment, you are expressly consenting to the terms outlined in the aforementioned Form.
spiritual healing, alternative medicine, energy healing ontario, wellness coaching, distant energy healing
About Me

BA (Psychology), MSc (Applied Intelligence)
Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner, Psychic Healer
Yoga Teacher (RYT200), Elite Life Coach,
with CE credits from NICABM in treating trauma and PTSD
Hi, I’m Jen Wozny, a Holistic Energy Healer who blends Reiki, Shamanism, Psychic Healing, Life Coaching, and holistic guidance to help my clients heal from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual concerns. I am the founder of Put The Light Here, a wellness company based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, with clients on almost every continent. A former part of Canada’s national security community, I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Intelligence Analysis. I am also a Reiki Master, Shamanic practitioner, Elite Life Coach, and Kundalini Yoga Teacher (RYT200), with Continuing Education credits from NICABM in healing trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
You can learn more about me in my bio, in my Curriculum Vitae, and in my story, “25,000 Miles to Me: Faith, Endurance, and Uncovering My True Self.” View the list of topics that I have studied.
Questions? If you have questions about whether my appointments are right for you, feel welcome to book a free 15-minute phone consultation.
soul healing, alternative healing, energy healer ontario, holistic healing, remote energy healing
How I Did My Training
I actually never set out to become a healer. I had a job with the Government of Canada, working in the national security community, and thought that that was my path.
But I started to try things like yoga and meditation and crystal healing, and I noticed that I felt better afterward. And I liked that feeling. So I did even more. I even used my vacation days at work to stay home and process my emotions. Then I went on trips to healing retreats, and spiritual workshops, and my normal life began to fall apart.
Eventually, everything fell away, and I was told by Spirit to sell my possessions, buy a car, and drive into the United States. I did.
And I drove for four years. In that time, I was almost entirely alone, almost entirely guided by the non-physical world. I was diving deep into the oldest, darkest, most wounded parts of my soul in order to heal myself. And I was climbing to spiritual and vibrational heights that I never imagined possible.
And it was me who was doing the remote healing on my own soul. In essence, Spirit threw me into the deepest end of the pool, and told me to figure out how to swim. So I did.
I have supplemented that with courses from human teachers, becoming a Reiki Master, Shamanic practitioner, Elite Life Coach, and Kundalini Yoga Teacher. But most of my training came from the higher planes, and from very far out in the Cosmos. I now work only with Source, rather than with guides.
My mainstream background allows me to work with people who are not at all spiritual but who just want to feel better. My Dark Night of the Soul and Shamanic Awakening process, as well as my time in service as a frontline Lightworker, allow me to work with the awakened souls who need advanced help.
I would be happy and honoured to work with you. Please know that all of my work is trauma sensitive.
soul healing, alternative healing, energy healer ontario, holistic healing, remote energy healing
Ready to book your appointment?
soul healing, alternative healing, energy healer ontario, holistic healing, remote energy healing spiritual healing, alternative medicine, energy healing ontario, wellness coaching, distant energy healing