Podcast: “What exactly is energy healing?”

I’m delighted to celebrate my first podcast! wellness podcast

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Ottawa-based mental health advocate Ryan Forsyth, on his Life in Red Podcast.  We discussed, “What exactly is energy healing?”

This conversation has so many nuances and insights, including:

  • physics;
  • the placebo effect;
  • the healing power of prayer;
  • how almost everyone has probably done energy healing in their lifetime;
  • an energetic downside of social media;
  • what is Reiki;
  • why Shamans only think positive thoughts about others;
  • emotional and physical healing;
  • past lives;
  • and more.

Find the podcast below, and on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, and the Life in Red website.


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wellness podcast

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Energy Healing FAQs (video): Your willingness to heal impacts the success of the appointment