November News: Stronger boundaries, and when emotions bubble up
Happy November! How are you doing? stronger boundaries, calmer emotions, wellness healer, ottawa healer, ottawa awakening
Bubbling Emotions: We are busy people, and one reason we keep ourselves so busy is because we’re afraid to face what’s inside of us if we were to stop. In the Monthly Healing Call in October, I answered a question about what to do when we *do* stop, get quiet, and feel those repressed energies starting to surface.
It can be a scary thing–excavating our soul–if we don’t know what to expect. And if it’s new to us, then it can feel better to push our memories back down. But that doesn’t serve us. Someday, we need to empty ourselves out–because that’s where the freedom and the peace lie.
So here’s my answer to the question “what do I do and will it be really painful?”
Ultimately, go slowly, be gentle with yourself, have someone walk beside you on this journey so you’re not alone, and turn to energy healing if you need it because it will help you gently but thoroughly.
Dealing with Anger: I also answered a question last month about anger: “What’s a healthy way to release it?” You can hear my response, which I know was helpful to some of you already, here.
stronger boundaries, calmer emotions, wellness healer, ottawa healer, ottawa awakening
Lunar Eclipse: We are in the middle of eclipse season right now. The Total Eclipse of the Moon occurs on November 8 (3:02am to 8:56am EST).
During a lunar eclipse, it is easier for us to explore the void that lies between us and the Moon. The void that represents our unconscious. The void that represents our ancestral history. The void that represents our darker urges.
The lunar eclipse can allow deep introspection and examination of ourselves, seeing into places that are easier to reach or sense when we are in total darkness. Continue reading.
Energy Healing Course: I’m planning to start a new session of my course to Cultivate Your Psychic & Healing Abilities in February. Are you interested? Please let me know.
What’s this course about? Well, I teach you the framework through which to understand several things: your own psychic skills; the spirit world; and how energy healing actually happens, including to specifically detail the process for several techniques.
What I don’t do is standardize the way that each student is to do the healing. It’s not an in-the-box course. I don’t do well with pre-determined limitations. I instead guide you to discover YOUR unique way of doing this work. Because you do it differently than I do; as you should. So you’ll develop skills that feel natural to you, and you’ll even remember things that you have done before–in other lifetimes. And all of that empowers you.
You’ll also spend the course practicing the energy healing techniques on…yourself. You are your first priority. What this also means is that you will end the course lighter, more whole, and healthier than when you began it.
You can read about the course here. And if you want to talk about it, book a free phone consult and we can discuss whether this is right for you.
Christmas Hours: Gentle FYI that I will be closed for the Christmas holidays. If you are hoping to have an energy healing session before the year ends, then be sure to book soon.
stronger boundaries, calmer emotions, wellness healer, ottawa healer, ottawa awakening
In-person Appointments: It’s the busy holiday season, so there are lots of options to help you in person this month.
Green Spirit in Manotick, ON:
- Sunday, November 6
- Saturday, November 19
- Friday, November 25
To book, call GS: 613-692-5151.
Pine & Patchouli in Perth, ON:
- Saturday, November 5
To book, call P&P: 613-240-0142.
Group Healing: Take an hour for yourself. Relax, de-stress, and feel peaceful inside. Join me for the Monthly Healing Call on Wednesday, November 2. It’s 7-8pm EST online. Now in its 5th year! We’ll meditate, I’ll do some healing on you, and if you have a question, you can ask it. Join here.
(And everyone who needs to practice connecting to their Higher Self to get messages? Come!!!)
Book your appointment for energy healing with life coaching: Appointments can be made here.
I wish you an inwardly peaceful month.
strong boundaries, calm my emotions, wellness practitioner, ottawa healing, ottawa spirituality
Strong boundaries feel so good.
Get them when you have an energy healing session.
Book one here.
stronger boundaries, calmer emotions, wellness healer, ottawa healer, ottawa awakening
Wednesday, November 2: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to and messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period. 7-8pm EST. Online.
Saturday, November 5: In-person appointments at Pine & Patchouli in Perth, Ontario (39 Foster Street). 11am to 4pm. To book, call the shop at 613-240-0142.
Sunday, November 6: In-person appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street). 11:30am to 4:30pm. To book, call the shop at 613-692-5151.
Saturday, November 19: In-person appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street). 11:30am to 4:30pm. To book, call the shop at 613-692-5151.
Friday, November 25: In-person appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street). 11:30am to 4:30pm. To book, call the shop at 613-692-5151.
Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype. Choose from 2 hours, 90 minutes, 1 hour, or 30 minutes. Or, book a free consultation.
Celestial Influences: November 2022
8: Full Moon
8: Total Eclipse of the Moon (maximum eclipse is at 5:59am EST)
23: New Moon
23: Jupiter Retrograde ends
strong boundaries, calm my emotions, wellness practitioner, ottawa healing, ottawa spirituality
Excerpted from
“Help! Emotions are bubbling up and I’m afraid of what I’ve repressed.
What do I do?”
View the full response here.
strong boundaries, calm my emotions, wellness practitioner, ottawa healing, ottawa spirituality
stronger boundaries, calmer emotions, wellness healer, ottawa healer, ottawa awakening