September News: Energy healings (in person!) are back, Ottawa!
energy healing ottawa, energy healer ottawa, shamanic healing ottawa, spiritual awakening ottawa, dark night of the soul ottawa
Happy September! How are you doing?
First and foremost, I have some news: I am so absolutely delighted and ecstatic to say that I will be back, doing IN-PERSON APPOINTMENTS, at GREEN SPIRIT, THIS SUNDAY!
Yes, I had to write that in all caps! Come in for an appointment, Ottawa! To book, call the ladies at the shop: 613-692-5151.
It was March 13, 2020 when I last worked in the lovely metaphysical shop that is Green Spirit. Not to sound cliché, but I remember clearly standing with the owner, Caroline, as we ended the day: We could feel the pandemic creeping up on Ottawa, starting to close things down, starting to keep us all inside our homes. She felt that her shop might be closed the following week…and it was. And no healer or reader has worked there since. Until now.
A lot has happened between then and now–for you, for me, for our world. It’s emotional for me, at least, to be returning to Green Spirit after all this time. It feels like things are coming back online again. But at a higher level.
And speaking of, if you didn’t know, Green Spirit has moved! They are two doors further down Main St, right on the corner of Main and…I’m not sure, but you’ll see it.
So this marks the resumption of in-person energy healings at Green Spirit in Manotick. I would love, love to see you. Come by if you can.
And moving on: The highlight of this month is…Equinox! This is our harvest time: not just the harvest in our gardens and lands, but the harvest of our spiritual potentials. We reap the things we have earned, that which we’ve been working towards all year or more.
Anything that you feel called to do before the actual moment of pure balance (September 22 at 9:03pm EST)–I encourage you to do it. Your soul may be trying to get you even more firmly onto your path, or help you be more entrenched, if you’re already upon it. Whether it’s cleaning, resting, doing healing, getting closure, or trying something new, follow that inner guidance and see where it takes you.
Separately, there were people who wanted to come to my event on August 28 but weren’t available on that day. I want you to know that the information I shared is always available to you. If you’re waking up, committed to your highest potential, or whatever your reason is, then we can chat about everything in an appointment. Any time. Whenever you’re ready.
I want to take this opportunity to speak a bit freely: This world has many, many layers of control over us. Those systems of control are intensifying their efforts to keep us down, to keep us small, to keep us stifled. This trend will continue, and get far worse in the coming years. (Just watch the trend, or ask an astrologer what they see.) One day in the future, you may feel completely suffocated or even numb. You just need to look–really look–at the world around you to see this.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can get out from under it. Just take actions to that effect (and yes, that’s what August 28 was about).
The passionate part for me is this: Some people *are really trying* to get out from under all that control. They desperately want out. They are doing all of the right things. *But they get pulled back in.* They’re pulled in by family, by friends, by their jobs, by the financial stability of that job, by slimy marketing, by promises that “it will get better,” by manipulation tactics making you feel guilty for leaving or responsible for others’ welfare… (Did anyone watch the Elvis movie? Ugh, heartbreaking. But that’s what I’m talking about.) Please, don’t let anyone pull you back in.
As I wrote last month on social media:
“If a system is not working for you, and you are begging to get out, but the ones in control prevent your escape, keeping you locked into their framework, then that is a cult.
“And that is one thing wrong with society today: We care less about human suffering, and more about keeping people in line.
“If you’re doing something and it’s not working for you, please, please try something else. You don’t need anyone’s permission to do that, either.”
And if I can help you, I will.
energy healing ottawa, energy healer ottawa, shamanic healing ottawa, spiritual awakening ottawa, dark night of the soul ottawa
Shipping Change: Gentle reminder that free shipping ends September 15. I’ll be changing to flat-rate shipping (still a low $7.50) due to the higher shipping prices that have come into effect recently.
If you’re already thinking ahead to holiday shopping, why not get some of it done before the change goes into effect? I’ve got things for empaths, kids, psychics, and gift certificates for people who just need some healing. Shop here.
reiki healing ottawa, reiki master ottawa, shamanic healing ontario, spiritual awakening ontario, dark night of the soul ontario
CYPHA Practice Group: Alum–we’re getting together again to practice our healing techniques! What do you want to try this time? Saturday, September 10, 11am to 1pm. Register here.
In-person Appointments: I’ll be in Perth on the following days, should you want an appointment in person:
- Saturday, September 3
- Sunday, September 18
To book, call the shop owner Kay at 613-240-0142.
energy healing ottawa, energy healer ottawa, shamanic healing ottawa, spiritual awakening ottawa, dark night of the soul ottawa
Group Healing: Relax, de-stress, and feel peaceful inside. Join me for the Monthly Healing Call on Wednesday, September 7. It’s 7-8pm EST online. Now in its 5th year! We’ll meditate, I’ll do some healing on you, and if you have a question, you can ask it. Join here.
Book your appointment for energy healing with life coaching: Appointments can be made here.
I wish you a bountiful harvest!
reiki healing ottawa, reiki master ottawa, shamanic healing ontario, spiritual awakening ontario, dark night of the soul ontario
Need some help figuring out the right next steps?
Could you use a little help getting unstuck?
Book now.
energy healing ottawa, energy healer ottawa, shamanic healing ottawa, spiritual awakening ottawa, dark night of the soul ottawa
reiki healing ottawa, reiki master ottawa, shamanic healing ontario, spiritual awakening ontario, dark night of the soul ontario
Saturday, September 3: In-person appointments at Pine & Patchouli in Perth, Ontario (39 Foster Street). 11am to 4pm. To book, contact the shop’s owner Kay at 613-240-0142.
Sunday, September 4: In-person appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street). 11:30am to 4:30pm. To book, call the shop at 613-692-5151.
Saturday, September 10: Healing Practice Group for alumni of my online course, “Cultivate Your Psychic and Healing Abilities.” 11am to 1pm. Register here.
Wednesday, September 7: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to and messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period. 7-8pm EST. Online.
Sunday, September 18: In-person appointments at Pine & Patchouli in Perth, Ontario (39 Foster Street). 11am to 4pm. To book, contact the shop’s owner Kay at 613-240-0142.
Saturday, September 24: In-person appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street). 11:30am to 4:30pm. To book, call the shop at 613-692-5151.
Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype. Choose from 2 hours, 90 minutes, 1 hour, or 30 minutes. Or, book a free consultation.
energy healing ottawa, energy healer ottawa, shamanic healing ottawa, spiritual awakening ottawa, dark night of the soul ottawa
Celestial Influences: September 2022
10: Full Moon
10: Mercury Retrograde begins
22: Equinox (9:03pm EST)
25: New Moon
energy healing ottawa, energy healer ottawa, shamanic healing ottawa, spiritual awakening ottawa, dark night of the soul ottawa, reiki healing ottawa, reiki master ottawa, shamanic healing ontario, spiritual awakening ontario, dark night of the soul ontario