The Masculine-Feminine Split: “The experiment has ended”
In spiritual circles, it’s commonly known that there are two main energies in the Universe: a Feminine energy and a Masculine energy. Technically, all of us are made of both. Generally, we are governed more by one than by the other. That is to say, we each, to some extent, are imbalanced. Some people are thoroughly imbalanced—being governed by, and acting from, only one energy exclusively. Such people, for example, are totally feminine; lacking any masculine characteristics. And some are totally masculine; lacking any femininity. masculine feminine split, experiment in consciousness, healing the masculine, divine masculine energy, warrior healing
(Feminine and Masculine energies have nothing to do with the physical body. They are *energies.*)
It is also known in spiritual circles that the Feminine energy—specifically, the Divine aspect of the Feminine energy—has been suppressed in humans for thousands of years. During this period, the Masculine energy has governed our world; though *not* the Divine aspect of the Masculine energy, but rather the toxic form of it.
Allowing our species to be governed solely by one energy, and solely by a toxic form of it, was done by divine agreement, and as, essentially, an experiment. “Let’s try this and see what happens. We’ll let it run for a set period of time, then we’ll move on.”
Now, in order to take a dual-energy being—where each energy also has “divine” and “toxic” aspects—and have that being express only one of those energies, and only in its fallen form, several things had to take place. First, there had to be agreement among everyone to do this. And there needed to be participants; volunteers. And those volunteers needed to agree to play all of the roles that were needed: aggressor and victim. And technically, throughout our numerous incarnations here, we have had a chance to play both of these roles. That is, you, me, and all of us have all been females, males, aggressors, victims, toxic, divine, and more. Our souls grow every time we incarnate, so the more roles we play, and the more experiences we accumulate, the greater our potential for evolution. divine masculine divine feminine, fall in consciousness, healing the feminine, divine feminine energy, warrior healer
But two other important things needed to happen if this experiment was to happen. masculine feminine split, experiment in consciousness, healing the masculine, divine masculine energy, warrior healing
First, the masculine needed to cut himself off from his heart. He needed to stop being able to feel, including to no longer feel his connection with the feminine energy, and with the unity of all things. How else was he going to be able to slaughter, kill, prey upon, and feed off of others?
In my years of doing energy work for the planet, to assist the current shift in consciousness, I have naturally found that my own focus is indeed on the masculine. My heart has gone out to him; more than the feminine. Partly this is because I resonate with that energy: I’m in a female body in this lifetime, but my soul’s energy is largely balanced, and I have felt most acutely the pain held within our masculine. I suppose that I also acknowledge that there is so much focus on healing the feminine, in raising her back up, that I take note that the masculine has gone largely unnoticed. Being an outsider myself, I feel for him and have been drawn to help.
In early 2015, I was even drawn into direct service to bring the divine aspect of the masculine energy back to this Earth. You can read about that here.
Since then, I have been feeling and trying to heal my own masculine-related wounds. As a female, I most deeply feel “rejection.” In this one life alone, I have felt rejection from all of the most-important males in my life: father; brother; husband; soulmate; and mentors. (It’s important to clarify that feeling rejected doesn’t necessarily mean that they did reject me; simply that I processed it as such. There’s no blame here.) I have done numerous healings on myself in order to heal this deep wound. But it is lifetimes old, and sometimes healing is complicated and just takes time.
So today, March 24, 2024, with the Lunar Eclipse hours away, I was strongly feeling that there was another healing to do with respect to the masculine wounding—my own and all of ours.
And that’s when I was shown the second important thing that needed to happen if the experiment to divide the masculine from the feminine, and create a fall in consciousness, was to happen: The Feminine needed to suppress her own Masculine energy.
Think about what that would look like: If you are a dual-energy being—let’s say a mix of white and black, because colours are easy to visualize—and you suppress all of your black, then all that you appear to be is white. And let’s say that the others around you have suppressed all of their white, so that all they appear to be is black. Then what have you done? You have not only divided a previously unified population, but you have created an “other.”
When the Feminine suppressed her Masculine, and became only Feminine; and when the Masculine cut himself off from his heart to be only Masculine—and in its toxic form no less—we were left with two energies who didn’t recognize each other. And the Toxic Masculine was, you could say, designed to hate.
And so have passed the last 5,000 years or so.
Until now. masculine feminine split, experiment in consciousness, healing the masculine, divine masculine energy, warrior healing
When I tuned in today, I wanted to bring this wound to an end once and for all. This is what I saw:
Long ago, when the Masculine had already been made toxic, not only did the Feminine suppress all of her Masculine self, but also, that energy was taken out of her and used against her.
As I brought healing to this situation, I was told, “The experiment has ended.”
If you’ve worked with me before, you know that I like to go to the origin of a situation in order to ensure that I heal absolutely all of the issue. So I kept asking to see the origin—just in case there was a point in time further back to visit. But nothing was shown to me. Instead, I was told (every time I asked), “It was an experiment.”
And then, of course, that it “has ended.” divine masculine divine feminine, fall in consciousness, healing the feminine, divine feminine energy, warrior healer
As the Feminine was healed, and had her energy recovered and given back to her, she rejoiced. Not only that, but she became something even greater than a dual-energy being; she became whole. In my work, there are more than just two energies. There is more than just “duality”—this or that. In my work there is wholeness. And wholeness, to me, encompasses far more than just “two.” And if you’ve followed me for awhile, you’ve heard me say that that’s where we’re headed. We’re not just ending an old experiment and going back to what was here before, we’re creating something new and higher.
Back to the healing session:
Having brought healing to the Feminine, my attention went next to the Masculine. And in short, I’ll just say that a massive field of Masculine warrior energy was taken out of the fires and brought into Source for healing.
It’s my hope that this work heals us all. It doesn’t matter what gender you are in this life. It doesn’t matter whether you resonate most closely with “feminine” principles or “masculine” ones. We’ve been all of the above, throughout our many lifetimes. And ultimately, we all derive from the same Source.
So I hope you feel this healing inside of you. I hope your energies come back into balance, and that all of you has been restored to divinity. divine masculine divine feminine, fall in consciousness, healing the feminine, divine feminine energy, warrior healer
Here’s an amusing ending to the story today, though: When I do this type of work, I have music plugged into my ears; the same song on a loop. At the end, I always rewind the song to its beginning before pressing the stop button. Today, I pressed rewind and rather than go to the start of the song I’d been listening to, it went to the one prior to it in my playlist. Guess which song? “Playing With the Boys.” Haha. Thanks, guys. <3
If I can help you with your own healing, it would be my honour to do that. You can book your appointment here.
All of my work is conveniently by phone, and trauma sensitive.
To start with a free phone consultation, click here.
In service and healing,
masculine feminine split, experiment in consciousness, healing the masculine, divine masculine energy, warrior healing

Comments ( 1 )
June News: Do your ancestors have this wound? – Put The Light Here
June 1, 2024 at 4:57 am
[…] This idea has been shared by many spiritual teachers and mystics, and I encountered it once again in April when doing a healing for the Divine Masculine. (You can read the report here.) […]