throat healing, throat chakra healing, womens health ottawa, women truth suppressed, speak up women

April News: How’s your throat?

throat healing, throat chakra healing, womens healing, women truth suppressed, speak up women, ottawa business

Happy April!  How are you doing?  Wow, March was a big month.  In my March 1 newsletter, I asked if you felt all of the energy that had come in during February; now, I have to ask if you felt what happened in March! throat healing, womens voices suppressed, energy healing women, womens health ottawa, ottawa healing business
Honestly?  It was amazing.  Putting aside bodily symptoms (fatigue, pain, or mood swings, for example), the change in the higher levels of our lives was incredible.  More good things are happening for us.  More opportunities are presenting themselves to create lives that are deeply authentic.  And more peace and happiness is available on our inner planes, once we clear the gunk out of the way.

The two major events of March—Equinox and the Eclipse of the Moon—were surrounded by quantities of solar energy even stronger than what the Sun sent down in February.  (See here and here.)  Father Sun has our backs.

And we can expect more: The Total Eclipse of the Sun is still, of course, on its way.  It should prove momentous for many of us; a significant shift in our world’s way of being.

Remember that Eclipses of the Sun reboot our energy bodies, bringing online any changes or upgrades we “installed” prior to that moment.  So with the eclipse happening on Monday, April 8, what do you still need to do, in order to most benefit from this auspicious event?  I hope you’ll do it.  And I’m here to help, if part of that work involves healing yourself.
throat chakra healing, healing womens voices, womens alternative health
How’s Your Throat?  March was an interesting month in another way, too.  Particularly in the first half of the month, it seemed like all of our throats were getting cleared.  Most of the healing sessions I did involved, in one way or another, healing the client’s throat.  From being unable to swallow, to having trouble speaking up, to being uncomfortable being authentic, to “having a frog in the throat” every time a memory came up, our throats were in focus.  In healing these concerns, we almost always were taken to a past life where we’d been suppressed by the masculine/patriarchy, told we had no value, abused, or punished for expressing our true selves.

Do you know what I love about my work?  When I do a healing for one person, I also—when they give permission—offer the same healing to everyone.  And sometimes (and you know who you are), the client’s soul demands that the others be helped before the soul will let me heal her.  We are strong, courageous, and compassionate.

So think about how your own throat is doing: physically and metaphysically.  Did you find that you were clearing your throat more than usual last month?  Have you had trouble swallowing, breathing, or speaking about certain subjects?  Do you repeatedly get throat infections?  Did any of that improve by the end of March?  If you still need some help, perhaps do an appointment.
throat healing, healing womens voices, energy healing women
The Masculine-Feminine Divide: Are you interested in hearing about what’s happening on the higher planes?  If so, here’s a short article about the millennias-old split between our masculine and feminine energies, and the fact that they are no longer split.
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In-Person Sessions: I’ll be at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario, on:

  • Saturday, April 20 (fully booked)
  • the May date is coming soon

The booking process is completely self serve.  Just visit my Monthly Events page and scroll down to the real-time calendar for in-person sessions.  You’ll be able to see which spots are available and choose the one that works for you.
womens health ontario, ottawa womens business
throat healing, healing womens voices, energy healing women
Phone-based Sessions: My practice is global.  If you’d like to work together this month, let’s do that—by phone in Canada and the Continental USA, or by Skype for international locations.  Choose from the Standard Appointment (1 hour), and Extended Appointment (1.5 hours), a Deep Healing Appointment (2 hours), or a Partial Appointment (30 minutes).  Or, start with a free consultation.
womens health ottawa, ottawa healing business
I wish you a month of blossoming into your fullest self!

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Saturday, April 20: In-person sessions at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street).  11:30am to 5:00pm.  To book, visit the Monthly Events page and scroll to the section called “In-Person Sessions.” (Fully booked.)

Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype.  Choose from the Standard Appointment (1 hour), an Extended Appointment (1.5 hours), a Deep Healing Appointment (2 hours), or a Partial Appointment (30 minutes).  Or, start with a free consultation.
throat healing, healing womens voices, energy healing women

throat chakra healing, womens voices suppressed

Celestial Influences: April 2024

1: Mercury Retrograde begins
8: New Moon
8: Total Eclipse of the Sun (11:42am to 4:52pm EST; maximum eclipse is at 2:17pm EST)
23: Full Moon
25: Mercury Retrograde ends

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Subscribe to my newsletter and receive $10 off your next appointment; conveniently by phone.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

throat healing, womens voices suppressed, energy healing women, womens health ottawa, ottawa healing business

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