energy update 2024, ottawa wellness, ottawa healing, ottawa healer, ottawa holistic health

March Newsletter: Did you feel that?

energy update 2024, ottawa wellness, ottawa healing, ottawa healer, ottawa holistic health

Happy March!  How are you doing?  I hope, will all that happened last month, that you are doing update march, awakening news, empath healing, ottawa energy healer, ottawa spiritual guide
What happened exactly?  Well, large amounts of the sun’s energy rained down on us Earthlings, and did so to an extent that was greater than any we’ve seen in a long time.  In short, we had more than a solid week of proton storms (also called “solar radiation storms”) showering us, which is rare for that duration; plus a high number of solar flares, particularly numerous X-class flares, which are the strongest kind by a factor of ten and therefore also rare.

What did all of this feel like?  It can feel different for each of us, and different depending on what kind of energy the sun has just sent us; but, common symptoms were fatigue, increased pain levels, constipation, sluggishness, brain fog, difficulty sleeping, agitation, moodiness, heaviness, sensitive emotions, and a feeling of being overly energetic or “wired.”

What did all of this do to us?  You are made of energy, and the sun sent us energy.  The sun’s energy is some of the best kind: It is our source of power, light, warmth, and life.  We want this to integrate with us.  It uplifts us.  It expands our consciousness.  It is part of the force which is awakening and elevating life on this planet.  You may have noticed (as I did) that people’s levels of awakening, love, and kindness expanded last month.  (Not everywhere, obviously; part of the world descended further into chaos.)  If instead of the good things, you experienced the bad ones, then that can be a sign that you have some work to do.  This energy doesn’t just magically integrate into us; we have to make room for it.  Anywhere that the energy bumps up against is a block within us that we need to clear.  We clear it by physical means, with a cleaner diet, for example; and by energetic means, by healing our souls.

Yes, I want you to come for some energy healing.  Full disclosure.  But mostly, I just want you to know what’s happening, why, and how to get through it in the most graceful manner.

So that was February.  Let’s look to March.

We have more energy coming in this month.  There are two major events already scheduled: March Equinox (on the 19th); and Eclipse Season.

In my work with the planet’s energies, I have always found that March Equinox sends a large dose of “light” energy to us here on Earth.  And I have found that the months preceding this dose push our personal “darkness” to the surface.  [Click here to read a particularly intense experience of Lightwork for the planet.]  This happens so that we can become free of that darkness—the wounds, baggage, and lower-level parts of our lives—prior to the light arriving.  So examine your recent life: Have things been more at the surface lately?  Have you been guided to let go of something—a behaviour, thought pattern, person, or activity?  As the Equinox approaches, try to let go of more things.  Do your spring cleaning *now.*  Then when Equinox is here, welcome in the light.  Let it change you.

The second event is even-more significant: Eclipse Season.  It begins with a Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon on March 25 and, two weeks later, a Total Eclipse of the Sun on April 8.  (For exact times, see “Celestial Influences” below.)  Eclipses, to me, are the strongest celestial events of all that we are regularly subjected to.  And the different eclipses have different purposes.  Primarily, lunar eclipses enable our deepest, darkest parts to be revealed; and solar eclipses stamp into existence any upgrades that we’ve brought into our lives.  You may have already heard that the solar eclipse in April will be visible to us here in North America.  It will pass directly over parts of Ontario, too.  What that will do is *directly affect the energy lines in the ground here.*  Dowsers discovered long ago that, when the Earth and Sun lose their line-of-sight connection during a solar eclipse, the Earth’s energy grids…lose power.  When the connection is restored, then the grids power up again.  What this power-down-then-reboot dynamic does is allow energetic upgrades to be installed.  [Click here for my article “Solar and Lunar Eclipses: What happens, what it does to us, and how Occultists use the energy.”]

As I say always: Use this to your advantage.  If you want to be free from a relationship, use this energy to help you.  If you want a more-fulfilling career, use this energy to help you.  If you want to become your truest self, use this energy to help you.

If you don’t, if the time just isn’t right, then don’t worry: We’ll have more opportunities to change.  Equinoxes come twice a year, every year; as do eclipse seasons.

But if you do, and you’d like some help, then I’ve got your back.
energy update march, awakening news, empath healing
Daylight Savings Time: Please note that my clocks will change on Sunday, March 10.  If you’re in another time zone, then be sure to check my local time before booking.  (There is a link to this on the scheduling page.)
solar flares healing, awakening help, empath help
In-Person Sessions: They’re back!  I’ll be at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario, on:

  • Saturday, March 16 (fully booked); and
  • Saturday, April 20.

The booking process is now completely self serve.  Just visit my Monthly Events page and scroll down to the real-time calendar for in-person sessions.  You’ll be able to see which spots are available and choose the one that works for you.
ottawa energy healing, ottawa spirituality
If you’d like to work together this month, choose from the Standard Appointment (1 hour), and Extended Appointment (1.5 hours), a Deep Healing Appointment (2 hours), or a Partial Appointment (30 minutes).  Or, start with a free consultation.

I wish you a month that takes you as high as you want to go!

holistic energy healing, holistic energy healer, healing in service, lightworker healer
solar flares healing, awakening help, empath help

ottawa energy healer, ottawa spiritual guide
spiritual events ottawa, wellness events ottawa, healing ottawa, energy healing ottawa, jen wozny events
energy update march, awakening news, empath healing
Saturday, March 16: In-person sessions at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street).  11:30am to 5:00pm.  To book, visit the Monthly Events page and scroll to the section called “In-Person Sessions.” (Fully booked.  Now booking for April 20.)

Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype.  Choose from the Standard Appointment (1 hour), an Extended Appointment (1.5 hours), a Deep Healing Appointment (2 hours), or a Partial Appointment (30 minutes).  Or, start with a free consultation.
ottawa energy healing, ottawa spirituality

energy update march, awakening news, empath healing

Celestial Influences: March 2024

10: New Moon
19: Equinox (11:06pm EST)
25: Full Moon
25: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (12:53am to 5:32am EST; maximum eclipse is at 3:12am EST)

ottawa energy healer, ottawa spiritual guide

jen wozny, ottawa energy healing, ontario energy healing, canada energy healing, holistic healing ottawa

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energy update march, awakening news, empath healing

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