alternative healing ptsd, group mindfulness online, group reiki online, mothers day healing, group reiki ottawa

May News: Healing Trauma, and Celebrating 6 Years!

alternative healing trauma, group meditation online, group healing online, mothers day reiki, group energy healing ottawa


Happy May!  How are you doing? alternative healing trauma, group meditation online, group healing online, mothers day reiki, group energy healing ottawa
Healing Trauma: No healing is complete if it has not included energy healing. This applies especially to trauma, which has unique *energetic* aspects inherent in what it does to us. In this 60-second video, I explain what needs to happen in order to fully heal from trauma.


Celebrating 6 Years! As of this month, I have been hosting the Monthly Healing Calls for six years! I started these in May 2017 to be able to reach as many people as I could–giving high-quality energy healing plus answers to important questions, and doing so on a regular basis, and at a discounted rate.

Have you ever tried the Healing Call? I hope you will! It’s happening this Wednesday and occurs online through a webpage–just click a link, turn up your volume, and get cozy. We’ll meditate, you’ll get messages from your Higher Self, and I’ll do energy clearing and healing on you. Then, you’ll have the chance to ask me a question (and to do so anonymously).

Please join me for the next call on Wednesday, May 3. You can register here.


Lunar Eclipse: How was the Solar Eclipse for you last month? (It was on April 19.) For me, it felt like there was a pressure building in the days before the eclipse, and then as the eclipse happened, some of that pressure got released–thankfully. As I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, solar eclipses are times when upgrades come online. The work we’d done on ourselves prior to that event actually gets imprinted and activated during it.

Lunar eclipses, on the other hand, are chances to go deep: deep into the darkest recesses of our soul. When we go there, we discover not just wounds but also gifts. So in the time leading up to the eclipse of the Moon, and during it, you have the potential to uncover and make use of some very deep and even ancient energy.

The penumbral eclipse of the Moon occurs on Friday, May 5 (11:14am EST to 3:31pm EST, with maximum eclipse being at 1:22pm EST). Read more about how to use eclipses to your advantage in, “Solar and Lunar Eclipses: What happens, what it does to us, and how Occultists use the energy.”


Mothers Day is Sunday, May 14: Do you need a gift for Mothers Day? Why not get her an energy healing session? You can purchase gift certificates here. Choose from a 30- or 60-minute appointment.


In-person Appointments: Are you in the Ottawa area? Then come for an in-person appointment this month!

I’ll be at Green Spirit in Manotick, ON:

  • Sunday, May 7
  • Saturday, May 20
  • Sunday, May 28

To book, call GS: 613-692-5151.


Group Healing: Relax, de-stress, and feel peaceful inside. Join me for the Monthly Healing Call on Wednesday, May 3. It’s 7-8pm EST online. Now in its 6th year! We’ll meditate, I’ll do some healing on you, and if you have a question, you can ask it.

(And everyone who needs to practice connecting to their Higher Self to get messages? Come!!!)

Note that I have made two small changes to these calls: The price has risen by $2, and the replay will be available until 11:55pm EST on the night of the call.


Book your appointment for energy healing with life coaching: Appointments can be made here.


I wish you a happy month!

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alternative healing ptsd, group mindfulness online, group reiki online, mothers day healing, group reiki ottawa


alternative healing trauma, group meditation online, group healing online, mothers day reiki, group energy healing ottawa


alternative healing trauma, group meditation online, group healing online, mothers day reiki, group energy healing ottawa

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Wednesday, May 3: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to and messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period.  7-8pm EST.  Online.

Sunday, May 7: In-person appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street).  11:30am to 4:30pm.  To book, call the shop at 613-692-5151.

Saturday, May 13: Class 3 of the Heal Your Soul online course.  11am to 2pm EST on Zoom.

Saturday, May 20: In-person appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street).  11:30am to 4:30pm.  To book, call the shop at 613-692-5151.

Sunday, May 28: In-person appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street).  11:30am to 4:30pm.  To book, call the shop at 613-692-5151.

Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype.  Choose from 2 hours, 90 minutes, 1 hour, or 30 minutes.  Or, book a free consultation.

alternative healing ptsd, group mindfulness online, group reiki online, mothers day healing, group reiki ottawa


Celestial Influences: May 2023

1: Pluto Retrograde begins
5: Full Moon
5: Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon (11:14am EST to 3:31pm EST)
15: Mercury Retrograde ends
19: New Moon


alternative healing trauma, group meditation online, group healing online, mothers day reiki, group energy healing ottawa

Monthly Healing Calls

This online event offers an hour of relaxation, healing, and guidance.
What’s better than that?

Jen will guide you through gentle Mindfulness meditation to help you relax and de-stress.

Then she will help you connect with your Higher Self so that you can receive messages from it.

Next, she will facilitate distant energy healing on you–a blend of distant Reiki and Shamanism–to clean out your energy field and fill you with deep peace.

Finally, there is a Question and Answer period, so that you can ask Jen a question about life, wellness, healing, spirituality, or a related subject, and receive some guidance.

This event is accessed entirely through a teleconference webpage, which you visit anonymously. It is audio only–just visit the page and turn up your volume. And your question is submitted without any personal identifiers; Jen answers all questions anonymously, so ask what’s truly on your mind.

Read more or register now.

alternative healing ptsd, group mindfulness online, group reiki online, mothers day healing, group reiki ottawa


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