psychopomp, conscious dying, conscious death, mindful dying, cross over, help crossing over

Psychopomp: Helping your loved one when they die

Did you know that when a loved one dies, we can still help them?

One service I offer is Psychopomp: I tune into the soul of someone who has just died, and help them finish crossing over.

Sometimes, the person’s soul is confused. Sometimes, it is so used to being independent that it initially doesn’t want my help. Sometimes, it is in serious distress.

I spend some time introducing myself, letting the soul know who hired me to help them, and explaining what I do and how they can benefit from some assistance with their transition.

I then usually clear any of their energy that they left back on Earth–so that they are at full strength now in the spirit world. I also facilitate some healing if they need it and agree to it. I do whatever work is right for each unique soul in their own unique situation.

And when they’re ready, I bring them back to Source.

Once inside of Source, I often see them jump in joy! Or their eyes open WIDE because they remember Source and all the beauty, love, and wisdom there.

I also ask that the soul be provided with any context that could help them better understand what happened during their life on Earth; sometimes they can’t let go of something until they understand the higher purpose to it. And I make sure they have the wisdom they need to extract from that life, and the tools and/or support that will help them proceed with whatever might be next.

Often, at some point, they will have told me that they will be back to visit the loved ones they’d left here on Earth.

When the work feels complete, and the person’s soul is resting peacefully with Source, I leave them and close the session.

And then I write my report for the person who ordered the service. It’s usually two pages long.

Knowing that their loved one is okay and at peace, helps to bring peace to the ones still living down here.

Knowing that a tragic, even self-imposed, death is now healed brings comfort and relief. The soul will not suffer any longer.

It’s hard to talk about death. But just know that if someone does transition, there’s a way to help them still.

If you have any questions, feel welcome to ask. My service is virtual and available worldwide.

More information is here.

~ Jen

holistic energy healing, holistic energy healer, healing in service, lightworker healer

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