energy update, awakening, ascension, lightworkers, lightwarriors

May News: It’s time to use your power

energy update 2021, awakening update, ascension update, lightworkers, lightwarriors

Happy May!

How are you doing?

We are in an intense and positive window of energy right now. It started in late March and will continue at least until late June. What is this energy doing to us? It’s impelling us to exercise our power.

This is a continuation of the energy of last summer, which first told us to push back on bullsh*t, and then saw power be transferred–finally–into the hands of the Light.

Now, it is time to use the power, the skills, the Will that is within us, and push it out onto this Earth, for the good of all.

Read the full explanation in “Energy Update: Exercise your power, NOW.”

Otherwise, just be aware that things are intense and you may feel like you’re getting knocked around by turbulence in the world. There are some specific dates to be aware of.

Notably, Eclipse Season starts again this month. On May 26, we have a total Eclipse of the Moon. This will be followed by an annular Eclipse of the Sun on June 10. Eclipse Season is one of the most powerful events that can happen to our planet.

This is leading up to Solstice on June 20, which is another major day of energetic upgrades.

Right in the midst of all this, interestingly, is my Lightworker course on June 5-6. This two-day workshop is designed to help you through all of this turbulence, chaos, change, and awakening.

I will teach you about what’s happening, precisely why it’s happening, where we’re going, and how you can take care of yourself in the absolute best and most graceful manner.

I put everything–the good and the bad–in context so that you can understand why things are this way. And I help you identify how you yourself can get from here to there in the best way, aligning your life with the end goal.

Importantly, we also talk about some serious issues in the spiritual community. I teach you exactly how to recognize “dark” energies, and how to identify what is truly “light.” These principles can be applied to absolutely everything in our lives–from reading the ingredients list on food packaging to reading channeled messages.

And if you’re an empath, this course is definitely for you. Empaths feel so much of the chaos. But did you know that you don’t have to?

The course is the weekend of June 5-6. If you haven’t already signed up, I encourage you to do so. Read the full curriculum and register here. (And yes, it’s “in stock” now!)


Group Healing: Buy 4 Get 1 Free! This month, I’m celebrating four years of group healing calls! I started doing Weekly Healing Calls back in May 2017 in order to offer healing services at a discounted rate. As of June 2020, these calls became monthly events.

I’ve been honored to be able to provide a safe and healing space, at an affordable rate, for all these years. And I’ve been warmed by the feedback from participants who report feeling lighter and more peaceful, and who receive answers to the questions on their mind.

As a special way to celebrate, I’m offering a buy-4-get-1-free package: For the month of May, if you purchase four tickets to the Monthly Healing Calls, then you’ll get one ticket free!

When you buy multiple tickets, simply specify at checkout how you want your tickets allocated. You can use all five for the same call–sharing the tickets with friends. Or apply one ticket to every call for the next five months.

The next Monthly Healing Call is Wednesday, May 5. This occurs from 7-8pm EST, online. If you’d like to do meditation, receive energy healing, and ask me a question in a private group setting, then join here.

If I can assist you this month with healing, coaching, or guidance, then I would be honored to do so.

~ Jen Wozny
BA, MSc, Founder



nathan dumlao, healing courses, lightworker courses, reiki course, lightworker level 1, event lightworker

Tuesday, May 4: Class 4 of the course. Overview: Learning how to heal past lives. Online. 7-9pm EST.

Wednesday, May 5: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to and messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period. 7-8pm EST. Online.

Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype. Choose from 90, 60, and 30 minutes. Or, book a free consultation.



The Lightworker course is OPEN for registration!


lightworker, lightworker course, ascension course, awakening, mayan calendar, global chaos

lightworker course, ascension course, awakening, awakening journey, spiritual journey


Celestial Influences: May 2021
11: New Moon
23: Saturn turns Retrograde
26: Full Moon
26: Eclipse of the Moon (4:47am to 9:49am EST)
29: Mercury turns Retrograde






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Energy Update: Exercise your power, NOW

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