hold steady, energy update november 2020, wellness news, ottawa healer, canada healer

November Newsletter: Hold steady.

Happy November!  How are you doing?  hold steady

When I feel into the energies of this month, the message that I receive is “Hold steady.”

Hold steady because there may be several large waves of energy that rock us, and threaten to tip us over, figuratively speaking.

In particular, the election in the USA.  Regardless of who “wins,” there will be backlash and outcry.  Empaths might want to prepare to feel this as of November 3 and until about November 5-6.  Thankfully, the Monthly Healing Call is November 4, so if you’re in the midst of the energies, join the call and receive some healing.

As well, we’re in the second wave of the pandemic.  By this point, we’re almost 10 months into it, and our reserves are low–our personal energy level, our financial reserves, and even our tolerance levels.

We’re also mourning.  Many are mourning the loss of what was–in-person connections with loved ones, the freedom to leave our home and travel at will, the way we used to celebrate our holidays, the way we used to spend the upcoming Christmas / holiday season, and more.  We can’t live this year in the same way we have lived previous years, and that sometimes leaves us grieving.  I hope that, instead of grieving, you are finding a new, creative, and wonderful way of being and celebrating.  I hope that, instead of wanting to go out and do things, you are enjoying the time alone with yourself, your home, and your close family.  We can absolutely use this time in positive ways, and I know that many are.

Last, there is a pressure that has been building since early spring that is now threatening to break some people.  So many people are just holding on.  Mentally, emotionally, financially.

Hopefully, we will keep reaching out to our communities and doing what we can to help others stay afloat, when we have extra to share.  And if it is us, ourselves, who needs help, then let’s reach out to a person, a group, or an organization.  We’re in this together–and we need each other.  hold steady

In the month of November, if you need an appointment for healing and cannot afford it, I’d like to offer you a 30-minute session as a gift.  Please email me and I will send you the link.  And if you know someone who could use their own appointment, then please extend them my offer.  We need to help each other through this pandemic, and part of that involves letting ourselves receive.  If you would like to support this effort, I accept donations through PayPal and by e-transfer.

The new gift certificates are in, too.  So if you would like to gift someone an appointment, then you’ll receive the certificate either immediately as a PDF or several days later by mail, depending on your preference.  Find these here.

Finally, if you follow astrology, then note that three planets turn direct this month.  Mercury Retrograde ends on election night–November 3.  Mars Retrograde ends November 14.  And Neptune Retrograde ends November 29.  The planets turning direct usually frees up some of our energy and allows us to move forward.  While the planets are retrograding, though, it’s a time to slow down and move more carefully through life, as well as to turn inward and see if anything is coming up to be dealt with.  hold steady

And as a finale to the month, we have a Lunar Eclipse on November 30.  (Its partner, a Solar Eclipse, occurs December 14.)  Find out how big of a deal eclipses are in my article, “Solar and Lunar Eclipses: What happens, what it does to us, and how Occultists use the energy.”


Cultivate Your Psychic & Healing Abilities: The next session of my online course begins on February 2, and registration is open.  This is an all-levels course, and teaches you how to develop / enhance your psychic abilities, learn how to do remote energy healing, understand the spirit / non-physical world, connect with your very soul, and understand the process of healing itself.  It’s online and available wherever you are.  We meet once a month for six months, and connect in a private group on Facebook.  You’ll have access to all of the course materials for a full year, and have the option to receive a Certificate of Completion.  Full details are here.  This course is also grounded in ethics, so if you are particularly interested in the ethics of connecting with other peoples’ energies, then you will likely appreciate how I teach.  hold steady


New Articles: My blog has two new posts:


Group Healing: The Monthly Healing Call is Wednesday, November 4.  This occurs from 7-8pm EST, online.  If you’d like to do meditation, receive energy healing, and ask me a question in a private group setting, for only $15, then join here.


If I can assist you with healing, coaching, or guidance, then I’d be honored to do so.

~ Jen Wozny
   BA, MSc, Founder



Check out our Events this month!

Tuesday, November 3: Class #5 of the online course.  Lessons: Do All Healers See the Same Thing?; Interpreting Psychic Impressions (Part 2).  Meditation: Doing Healing on a Classmate.  7-9pm EST.

Wednesday, November 4: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to/messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period.  7-8pm EST.  Online.

Saturday, November 28: Healings co-hosted by Green Spirit in Manotick, ON.  These appointments are still being held virtually.  Book your Green Spirit appointment here.  11am to 4pm EST.

Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Energy Healing and Life Coaching appointments by phone/Skype.  Choose from 90, 60, 30, and 15 minutes.  Or, book a free consultation.



energy healing course, healing course online, reiki course, shamanism course, lightworker course

Details and registration.



Celestial Influences: November 2020

3: Mercury turns Direct
14: Mars turns Direct
15: New Moon
29: Neptune turns Direct
30: Full Moon
30: Lunar Eclipse (2:32am to 6:53am EST)



Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Etsy.

hold steady

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