Intense energy over Christmastime
This is a short post just to share that we received a lot of high-vibrational energy over Christmastime, particularly December 24, 25, and 26. Did you feel it? We did…big time.
I spent Christmas Day on the couch feeling a lot like I was in labor. There were pains that needed to be breathed through, waves of cramping, tension in the lower back, and waddling when I walked because of what was happening in the hip area. Others had existing pains—such as arthritis or headaches—amplified significantly. We were tired and basically on bed rest while the physical body was coping with the energies. Inwardly, though, we felt fine. It helps to know what is happening.
So, this is what the charts looked like:
As mentioned in this post, when Light comes in, the non-Light gets stirred up. We just had much Light arrive, especially with what came in for Solstice last week. So we might notice ourselves being emotionally agitated or unhappy, as well as major events globally. The latter includes natural disasters, especially earthquakes—which are one of Gaia’s way to release pressure that builds up inside of her.
Would you like to track the charts? The links I use are listed here.
Please remember that Put The Light Here hosts calls every Wednesday to provide you with an affordable, balanced, and high-level source of meditation and energy healing when you need it. You can register here.
I wish you an easy, smooth, peace-filled integration of these new energies.
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Comments ( 2 )
Energy Update: The Push for Disclosure
January 27, 2018 at 5:17 pm
[…] at and around Solstice, which was on the 21st. On the 25th, I spent the day feeling like I was in labor, which was simply a sign that something significant was […]
Intense energy over Christmastime
June 23, 2018 at 3:41 pm
[…] Continue reading this post here. […]