Enjoy feeling happier, healthier, lighter, stronger, and more clear---even after the very first session. Jen’s energy work blends Reiki, Shamanism, and Psychic Healing, working directly on your soul. Holistic, trauma-aware guidance and coaching ensures that you get all the support you truly need. Virtual & in person.
Why This is Right For You
True healing must take a legitimately holistic approach. “Holistic” means, “concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts” [Merriam-Webster]. Healing does not happen only with talk therapy, or only with somatic therapies, or only with energy healing even. And healing does not happen when we merely look at one piece of you or one singular symptom. Rather, the process of wounding—the process of getting to where you are now—was multifaceted and complex and took place over a period of time and involved many different things. Therefore, the process of healing must be likewise. And that’s what I do—look at all of who you are and what’s going on in your life, and provide you with as many facets and pieces of your puzzle as I am able to share. I know all of these pieces because I had to learn them for my own healing, which is another important point: I truly know what you’re going through. Maybe not exactly, because our lives are of course different, but I have probably been somewhere along that spectrum, and I found my way out. I’m here to help you out, too. energy healing ottawa, reiki ottawa, shamanism ottawa, mental health alternative ottawa, trauma healing ottawa
As well, you need to understand what’s going on and why. In the language of current psychiatry and psychology, this is called “psychoeducation”: educating people about their situation, what caused it, how precisely they’re being affected by it, and the systematic steps that will need to be taken in order to get better. You get better when you understand what’s going on. Not only that, but you deserve to know; you are empowered when you know and can take your wellbeing into your own hands. As a natural educator, I have always taught my clients about their situation. This is just the right thing to do.
We are going to do a some talking in the energy healing appointments. Each session blends: talking; investigating; deep, meaningful questioning; discussion; education; and the power of energy healing. Not only does this reflect the holistic nature of these appointments, but my own background is in Psychology, I was trained to be an analyst when I did a Masters Degree in Intelligence Analysis, and I spent time teaching at the university and graduate levels. So all of this comes into your session. (Note: All sessions are Confidential.)
energy healing ottawa, reiki ottawa
Client: This feels a lot like therapy.
Jen: It is a bit like therapy. But the difference is that we’ll use energy healing to heal what we talked about.
energy healer ottawa, mental health alternative ottawa
You will therefore experience a truly holistic approach to mental health, physical health, and your spiritual wellbeing. And my own knowledge base is constantly expanding: I’m a perpetual student, and study everything from quantum physics to endocrine weaknesses, moral injury to past-life wounding, brain science to ancestral trauma.
shamanism ottawa, trauma healing ottawa
I invite you to experience the power of deep energy healing combined with life coaching and holistic guidance, and in doing so enjoy feeling happier, healthier, lighter, more authentic, more clear, more empowered, and more whole.
heal trauma ottawa, mental health holistic ottawa
My energy healing modality is one that I developed myself: I was subjected to a rare process known as the Shamanic Awakening or Shamanic Initiation process; a years-long venture where I lived almost entirely in the spirit world, struggling to stay alive while being required to heal ancient wounds in my own soul, to study methods to put myself back together, and to learn about very advanced and unusual parts of our reality. I also remembered what my soul has done for many lifetimes: heal. I have walked the path of a Healer for a long time, and continue to walk it daily in this life. It is the ancient techniques that I have studied and refined for a very long time that I now bring forth and use. I did train to be a Reiki Master and a Shamanic practitioner, and while these are beautiful and necessary modes of healing, I found that the wounds I am here to work with for people require something stronger. The time that we are in—the rapid, chaotic, deeply painful transition to a new world—calls for it.
I now work with the soul of each client: the eternal part of you that is connected to all of your past lives, all of your ancestral wounds and gifts, and all of your pain and wisdom. Working with that part of you allows me to heal you on the highest, most profound level possible. And since my guiding principle was “hard training makes for easy combat,” and the training was indeed hard, I’m capable of facilitating significant change in a short period of time. My clients usually say that they feel relief by the end of their first session.
As well, it is also my nature to get to the true root cause of what’s going on, and working with your soul allows me to do that. We are so old that no wound began just recently; rather, it came with us into this life.
And the best part? We don’t even need to be in the same room: My work is virtual, so you can receive help wherever in the world you’re located. Indeed, I currently have clients spread across six of the seven continents.
energy healing ottawa, shamanism ottawa
The second-best thing? I’m trauma aware and all of my work is trauma sensitive. Having studied trauma through lived experience as well as formally with Continuing Education, I know that we all carry trauma—big T and small t. And I understand the power of energy healing to help those with PTSD and Complex PTSD; a lot of my focus here is on soul retrieval and disconnecting your energy body from that of any abusers or others involved, or from any locations where the injuries happened. Know that while the journey is in fact a journey, every session with me nonetheless makes a deep, meaningful difference. You deserve to be free from suffering.
reiki master ottawa
Here Are Some Benefits You Can Expect
Stronger boundaries.
Speaking your truth and honouring your instincts.
Healthier relationships with your spouse and/or children.
Wholeness after abuse.
Feeling strong and empowered.
Spiritual guidance.
Help navigating the awakening process.
Clarity on situations that are happening in your life.
Getting unstuck and being free to move forward.
Feelings of lightness.
Greater authenticity, and knowing who you are.
Calmer emotions, and the absence of negative emotions.
Feelings of deep peace.
Positive outlook, with reason to be hopeful.
Happiness. mental health holistic ottawa
Relaxation. shamanic healing ottawa
Better sleep. healing trauma ottawa
Increased physical comfort.
Clearer thinking. energy healer ottawa
Trust in your path, your higher guidance, and where you’re headed.
And so much more.
ptsd healing ottawa, reiki ottawa
How You Might Be Feeling Now
Clients come to me with all manner of symptoms: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
shamanic healing ottawa
Here are some of the things my work can help you with:
– stress, burnout, exhaustion
– emotional overwhelm
– pain, Fibromyalgia, migraines
– mysterious aches and tension
– recovering from surgery, including C-sections
– chronic illness or mystery illness
– PTSD and Complex PTSD
– depression, anxiety
– brain fog, confusion
– sense of heaviness
– feeling stuck or lost in life
– entangled in family drama or an unhealthy relationship
– going through major life changes
– overwhelmed from pregnancy and motherhood
– undergoing a spiritual awakening
– noticing that your psychic senses are awakening
– going through the Dark Night of the Soul
– feeling past-life wounds
– feeling soul loss ptsd healing ottawa
– weighed down by ancestral trauma
ottawa energy healer, reiki master ottawa, mental health alternative ottawa
Here’s What My Clients Say
“I have FINALLY found my voice and have begun speaking my truth.”
“The issue I had completely disappeared.”
“I already feel calmer.”
“The lightness and healing I feel after each healing is the best feeling.”
“I suddenly feel much lighter and so relaxed.”
“[Jen] is wholly present and pays attention to each minute detail.”
“[Jen] has changed my life.”
“It really is true: I do feel lighter.”
“Jen can regain your light and your power.”
“[Jen] is a true professional. Incredibly knowledgeable. Wonderfully talented.”
“I’m not sure what we would do without your light.”
“It is my sincere belief that if you’re drawn to Jen then you’re blessed with a loving light.”
“You are an Authentic spiritual teacher. You fully embody the teachings.”
energy healer ottawa, mental health holistic ottawa
If you’re ready, click here to book an appointment now. If you have any questions at all, though, then start with the free 15-minute phone consultation; the call is totally risk free, and it’s important to interview someone before allowing them to work with your energy body. Energy healing is a serious practice. To read more about my appointments, click here.
ottawa healing, healing trauma ottawa
“In my energy healing sessions, I can clear the energy of an abuser out of your body.
I can also recover any energy they took from you.”
~ Jen Wozny
mental health alternative ottawa, shamanism ottawa
Find me on Facebook and Instagram.
shamanic healing ottawa
If you’d like to receive $10 off your first appointment, as well as a Gift of Light each month, I welcome you to subscribe to my monthly newsletter.
mental health holistic ottawa
reiki ottawa, shamanism ottawa
shamanic healing ottawa
shamanism ottawa