December News: Peace, Love, and Health
Happy December! Merry Christmas month!!!!
How are you doing?
How do you feel about the Christmas and holiday season? For me, it’s my favourite time of year. Christmas feels like Home. Pure Light, joy, peace, love, singing, angels, heaven… Sigh.
My wish for you is that you feel the deep peace and love that is the underlying spirit of this time of year. You can tap into it at any time; just sit quietly for a moment, feel into your heart, and ask for the purely loving frequencies to be with you.
New Blog Article: I recently published an article on how to be proactive about our health, especially in light of all the viruses that are circulating through our airwaves right now. Here in Ontario, there’s not only a pandemic but also an *epidemic* (of flu). Added to that are the drug shortages and the fact that our immune systems have been compromised by the past three years of stress and burnout.
So, in “Pandemic: It’s time to take back your health. Here’s how,” you’ll find a quick but comprehensive list of what you can do to have even greater control of your body and life.
Christmas Gifts: Let someone know that you truly see them. Browse these 10 ideas for gifts that are deeply meaningful to their soul.
Christmas Hours: From December 21 to January 2, I will be closed for the holidays.
My shop will still be open 24/7, so:
- any appointments purchased can be booked for the new year; and
- any crystals purchased will be shipped once I reopen.
In-person Appointments: Come for an in-person appointment this month!
Green Spirit in Manotick, ON:
- Friday, December 2
- Sunday, December 11
- Saturday, December 17
To book, call GS: 613-692-5151.
Group Healing: Relax, de-stress, and feel peaceful inside. Join me for the Monthly Healing Call on Wednesday, December 7. It’s 7-8pm EST online. Now in its 5th year! We’ll meditate, I’ll do some healing on you, and if you have a question, you can ask it. Join here.
(And everyone who needs to practice connecting to their Higher Self to get messages? Come!!!)
Book your appointment for energy healing with life coaching: Appointments can be made here.
I wish you a month that is merry and bright!!
Whether it’s for someone else or for you yourself,
everyone deserves to feel appreciated, light, happy, and free.
Purchase the Extended Appointment for Energy Healing.
Friday, December 2: In-person appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street). 11:30am to 4:30pm. To book, call the shop at 613-692-5151.
Wednesday, December 7: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to and messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period. 7-8pm EST. Online.
Sunday, December 11: In-person appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street). 11:30am to 4:30pm. To book, call the shop at 613-692-5151.
Saturday, December 17: In-person appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street). 11:30am to 4:30pm. To book, call the shop at 613-692-5151.
December 21 to January 2: Closed for the holidays. (Online shop remains open.)
Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype. Choose from 2 hours, 90 minutes, 1 hour, or 30 minutes. Or, book a free consultation.
Celestial Influences: December 2022
4: Neptune Retrograde ends
8: Full Moon
21: Solstice (4:47pm EST)
23: New Moon
23: Chiron Retrograde ends
29: Mercury Retrograde begins
Take the confusion out of their spiritual journey.
Get them the guidance and help that will serve them well.