December News: Peace on Earth
Happy December! And Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy Last Month of 2021! christmas lightworker peace on earth healing christmas canadian superhealer energy update 2021 ontario lightworker
How are you doing?
The Christmas season is my absolute favorite time of the year. Why? Because of all the things here on Earth, Christmas is the one thing that feels like Home to me. Angels, singing, peace, love, kindness, light, hope, God, joy, faith. That’s my Home. So I adore the whole season.
Whether Christmas is what you celebrate, or another tradition, or no tradition at all, one thing is true: The energy of this season circulates through the Earth’s energy field. You don’t need to partake in the festivities to be able to feel the energies.
And so, as the light and peace move through the world, I wish for them to permeate your life and your self.
I wish for you gentle moments of stillness, where you touch the part of you that is eternal; this part of you is at one with Source. This part of you watches over you at all times.
Connecting with our Soul is the resource we need more than anything. Allow that part of you to come through, guide you, and wrap you in a hug. (Spirit hugs are the best.)
I know that life on Earth has many things that will fight for our attention this month. But I hope that you will recognize that December 2021 has many opportunities just for YOU.
First is the Total Eclipse of the Sun on December 4 (see below for more information).
If that weren’t enough, we also have Solstice on Tuesday, December 21 (10:58am EST). The energy of Solstice has the power to invigorate our lives and take us higher. And remember: This is the 9-year anniversary of 2012, when the 5,100-year-old Mayan calendar came to an end, and a new 5,100-year cycle began. So those transformative energies, predicted by the Mayans, have already decimated the old world and have woken up so many of us.
Our new world is being created. Know that. But who is creating it? Some unseen force or off-planet race of beings who will swoop in and rescue humankind? No. No. We are creating it. We, the souls in human bodies, who walk on this Earth. It is we who are doing the work; that work is solely ours to do. We do it in every single decision that we make: “Does this take me towards the light or towards the dark?” Every decision pulls us in one of those two directions.
The more we decide to “choose light,” the faster we will make progress; the less we will live in a world of misery and destruction. Those choices are yours, just as they are mine; every day.
Let’s choose light.
Choose light in a significant way by having an appointment with me for your healing, clearing, and soul’s evolution. The last day for this in 2021 is just prior to Solstice, on Monday, December 20. Book here.
Scroll down to Celestial Influences to see all of the events happening this month.
christmas lightworker peace on earth healing christmas canadian superhealer energy update 2021 ontario lightworker
Eclipse Season: As mentioned above, this month hosts the last eclipse of 2021. On December 4 (12:29am to 4:37am EST), we have a Total Eclipse of the Sun.
When the Sun gets eclipsed, we lose line-of-sight contact with our power source. When that contact resumes, our energy grids come back online. In the meantime, upgrades get installed.
Eclipses are the most profound astrological events out of all that happen regularly. They can really shift the direction that our lives are taking, and create those changes instantly. If we’re headed in a new direction, the eclipses can fully place us on our new path. And if we’re leveling up somehow, then we can wake up the day after the eclipse fully ensconced in the higher level.
So, up until December 4, notice what you’re being urged to do, change, or feel.
- Do you need to step more into your personal power?
- Are you being drawn to shed an outdated relationship (a person, a job, a situation, a habit)?
- Do you feel you need to ask for more (more money, more respect, more appreciation, more time to yourself)?
Take the necessary steps to act on the intuition, and be rewarded when the eclipse occurs. If we’ve done right, then there will be no going back to the way things were.
For more about the energies of eclipse season, read “Solar and Lunar Eclipses: What happens, what it does to us, and how Occultists use the energy”
canadian lightworker energy update december 2021 lightworker holidays ontario healer
Christmas Hours: The last appointments of 2021 will be on Monday, December 20. Why bring the heaviness, exhaustion, and stress of 2021 into the new year? Book your appointment.
canadian lightworker energy update december 2021 lightworker holidays ontario healer
Shipping Cutoff: The last day that I’m shipping packages is December 14, so please place your order before that date. Orders received after December 14 will be shipped on January 2, 2022.
Our postal workers are overwhelmed, so I choose to not add to their stress during their busiest time of the year.
(Gift Certificates can be purchased 24/7; just print and wrap the receipt.)
Visit my Shop. View the holiday gift guide.
christmas lightworker peace on earth healing christmas canadian superhealer energy update 2021 ontario lightworker
Group Healing: Relax, de-stress, and shake off the worries of the year. The last Monthly Healing Call of 2021 is tonight–Wednesday, December 1; 7-8pm EST online. Join here.
canadian lightworker energy update december 2021 lightworker holidays ontario healer
If I can assist you this month with healing, coaching, or guidance, then appointments can be made here.
May there be peace on Earth, goodwill among humans, and love in all that we do.
Happy Holidays, everyone, from my heart to yours. <3
~ Jen Wozny
BA, MSc, Founder
christmas lightworker peace on earth healing christmas canadian superhealer energy update 2021 ontario lightworker
canadian lightworker energy update december 2021 lightworker holidays ontario healer
Wednesday, December 1: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to and messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period. 7-8pm EST. Online.
December 14: Last day for shipping. Orders received after December 14 will be shipped on January 2, 2022.
December 20: Last day for appointments in 2021. Book now.
January 3, 2022: Appointments resume.
Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype. Choose from 2 hours (deep healing), 1.5 hours, 1 hour, or half an hour. Or, book a free consultation.
christmas lightworker peace on earth healing christmas canadian superhealer energy update 2021 ontario lightworker
canadian lightworker energy update december 2021 lightworker holidays ontario healer
Give the gift of healing.
Browse this selection of crystal products and healing services.
Save $15 with your subscribers-only discount code: MERRY15
(valid until Christmas Eve).
canadian lightworker energy update december 2021 lightworker holidays ontario healer
Celestial Influences: December 2021
1: Neptune turns Direct
4: New Moon
4: Total Eclipse of the Sun (12:29am to 4:37am EST)
19: Full Moon
19: Chiron turns Direct
19: Venus turns Retrograde
21: Solstice (10:58am EST)
31: New Year’s Eve
canadian lightworker energy update december 2021 lightworker holidays ontario healer
christmas lightworker peace on earth healing christmas canadian superhealer energy update 2021 ontario lightworker