October News: Four retrogrades come to an end
Happy October! How are you doing?
This month sees four planets end their retrogrades: Pluto (6), Saturn (11), Mercury (18), and Jupiter (18). When a planet is in retrograde, its energy is moving away from us here on Earth, and that moving away has a pulling effect: it pulls energy away from us and can expose some things that had previously been covered up.
The nature of what gets exposed is unique to each planet:
- With Mercury, for example, we know that weaknesses in our communication and thinking processes are exposed. That’s why the classic Mercury Retrograde guidance is to slow down, read everything twice, be careful before replying to emails and texts, and think deeply before taking action.
- With Pluto, things below the surface, in the unconscious, and in the underworld can be exposed. The planet is all about transformation, too: in the positive sense that is endings and births, but in the negative sense that is destruction. (Source: cafeastrology.com)
- With Saturn, we look at responsibilities, discipline, and limitations/restriction. This planet can also encourage us to look at our fears and overcome them, in doing so making us more fearless.
- And with Jupiter, we find a planet that wants us to expand, heal, and take the meaningful opportunities that are presented to us. While in retrograde, however, the planet has us question our worthiness of wealth and great fortune (insightfulpsychics.com), as well as our abilities to use these things rightly or instead to overindulge (cafeastrology.com).
When these retrogrades end, the energy of each planet is no longer pulling on us and slowing things down in our lives. That has the effect of freeing up our energy and allowing us to move forward. So, expect to have a greater ability to do that this month, in the areas outlined above.
Retrogrades are a wonderful thing. They are the solar system’s way of course correcting us and making our foundations even stronger by forcing us to examine the flaws and wounds. So embrace the time when things have slowed down. Examine whatever has been exposed–and adjust it so that it can never become an obstacle in your life.
Lightworker Course: Registration is open for the Lightworker: Level 1 course next month. We’ll be meeting on Zoom on Saturday, November 20 and Sunday, November 21.
Learn what’s happening to the world and why; learn how to get through it as easily as possible–even if you’re an empath; and understand how the spirit world really works as you continue awakening to it.
You can sign up here.
(LW1 alumni can join again with your alumni discount. Contact me for details.)
Closed for Thanksgiving: I’ll be closed on Monday, October 11 for Canadian Thanksgiving. I wish you and your loved ones a very blessed day.
Group Healing: The next Monthly Healing Call is Wednesday, October 6; 7-8pm EST online. Do a guided Mindfulness meditation, get messages from your Higher Self, receive energy healing, and ask me a question in a private group setting. Join here.
If I can assist you this month with healing, coaching, or guidance, then appointments can be made here.
~ Jen Wozny
BA, MSc, Founder
Saturday, October 2: Class 3 of the Accelerated Course to Cultivate Your Psychic & Healing Abilities. Details. 11am-1pm EST. Zoom.
Wednesday, October 6: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to and messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period. 7-8pm EST. Online.
Saturday, October 16: Class 4 of the Accelerated Course to Cultivate Your Psychic & Healing Abilities. Details. 11am-1pm EST. Zoom.
Saturday, October 30: Class 5 of the Accelerated Course to Cultivate Your Psychic & Healing Abilities. Details. 11am-1pm EST. Zoom.
Saturday, November 20 & Sunday, November 21: Lightworker: Level 1 by Zoom. Learn what’s happening to the world and why; learn how to get through it as easily as possible–even if you’re an empath; and understand how the spirit world really works as you continue awakening to it. 9:30am to 5:30pm EST each day. Full details and to register.
Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype. Choose from 90, 60, and 30 minutes. Or, book a free consultation.
Celestial Influences: October 2021
6: New Moon
6: Pluto turns Direct
11: Saturn turns Direct
18: Mercury turns Direct
18: Jupiter turns Direct
20: Full Moon