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September News: Embracing cozy feelings; CYPHA deadline is tonight

put the light here, jen wozny, energy healer, remote healer, canadian healer


Happy September!  How are you doing?  How was your summer?

I hope you had a chance to spend some time on things that make your heart happy.

I wrote in a blog post that, for me but also I believe for others, this was a summer of self care.  We’ve been through a lot in the last year and a half, and we can expect some more challenges ahead.  So it is very important that we do take time just for ourselves.  Amongst all of the “need to dos,” there must be some “want to dos” as well; even if it’s just for a few minutes a day.

What are you able to do in order to restore yourself?

I’ve been following on Facebook a group about Hygge: that’s the Danish and Norwegian word for feelings of coziness and comfort.  Think a steaming hot beverage, a soft warm blanket, a crackling fire, and softly falling snow.  That’s Hygge.  So I now fill my feed with images of warmth and happiness, and it makes this one social media platform a welcoming space.

It’s an easy way to find some enjoyment in the world.

As we’re entering a new phase of the pandemic I want to reiterate a higher perspective, to give you context:

We knew that the world would be in turmoil at this period in time.  Ancient cultures all over the world have told us this for several thousand years.  Therefore, preparations have been made; ways to get us through this as smoothly as possible have been identified.  As well, the outcome is believed to be fundamentally a positive thing.

I know it doesn’t necessarily feel like that now.  I’m not diminishing all of our hardships.

I just want to remind you that there is a higher energy at work, trying to change our world for the sake of course correcting it and bringing it to a more well manner of living.  And we can already feel some of this better way of living: Our connection to the divine, to our soul, to our spirit guides, and even to the natural world gives us feelings of deep peace.  I hope you have that connection in your life.

Not only is it uplifting but it can guide us through tough times in the smoothest manner.  I saw this in my divorce, in my four-year road trip, and really almost every single day.  So connect with your inner world if that feels right, and bring it further and further into your life.

This month features the time of spiritual harvest, when the spiritual goals we’ve been working towards all year come to fruition.  I’m speaking of course of Equinox.  Equinox falls on Wednesday, September 22 at 3:20pm EST.  It is the moment when the energies of day and night are in perfect balance.

It can also be a turning point for our spiritual healing.  In the past, I’ve been guided to tune in and finish all of my ancestral healing before the moment of Equinox.  For whatever reason, this had to be completed by that moment–and not after it.  So if you feel similarly guided to do something before the 22nd, then perhaps honor it.  Your soul has an itinerary for you to follow.

This month is also when the accelerated course begins, so if you’re interested in that then please register immediately: applications are due tonight (September 1).  We’ll have you healing your soul by November.

I wish you peace this month, completion of anything that needs to end, and a fruitful harvest of all you have worked towards.


Accelerated CYPHA:

  • Final day to apply: Today (September 1)
  • Final day to register: Saturday at 10:00am EST (September 4)

The application is here.

Full details of the course are here.


New Blog Articles:


Group Healing: The next Monthly Healing Call is tonight: Wednesday, September 1.  This occurs from 7-8pm EST, online.  If you’d like to do meditation, receive energy healing, and ask me a question in a private group setting, then join here.


If I can assist you this month with healing, coaching, or guidance, then appointments can be made here.

~ Jen Wozny
   BA, MSc, Founder


nathan dumlao, healing courses, lightworker courses, reiki course, lightworker level 1, event lightworker


Wednesday, September 1: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to and messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period.  7-8pm EST.  Online.

Saturday, September 4: Class 1 of the Accelerated Course to Cultivate Your Psychic & Healing Abilities.  Register by application.  Full details here.  11am-1pm EST.  Zoom.

Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype.  Choose from 90, 60, and 30 minutes.  Or, book a free consultation.



mystic, mysticism, terms of service, unplugging the patriarchy, easy combat



Celestial Influences: September 2021

7: New Moon
20: Full Moon
22: Equinox (3:20pm EST)
27: Mercury turns Retrograde




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