February News: Being an Empath at Valentines Day
Happy February! How are you doing? I hope 2021 has been going well for you. empath valentines day energy update february 2021 wellness news energy healing course reiki spirituality ottawa healer
A lot of change has started to happen. It really began last summer, but was quite apparent in January. (And I’m not talking about US politics here.)
Many people are experiencing major life changes now: moving to a new home; leaving or changing jobs; leaving old relationships; leaving structures that have supported them and having now to stand on their own.
If you are experiencing it, then know you’re not alone. Rather, you’re part of this worldwide shift–to a higher level.
The easiest way to navigate this change is to invoke the help of your soul.
Your soul has your life’s plan. Your soul knows where you’re going. And your soul knows the easiest, smoothest way to get there.
Trying to use our human minds to figure out how to navigate the Universe’s plans…doesn’t always work.
So connect to your soul–the higher part of you. Ask it for help. Allow it to guide you. And follow that guidance.
Trust is indeed a huge part of this. But having significant experience in trusting my soul to guide me, I can say with certainty that it is worthwhile.
If you’d like to know how to connect with your soul, receive clear guidance from it, and even heal any fears or blocks in the way of trusting, then my course is actually an excellent way to learn. It begins tomorrow.
energy update february 2021 wellness news energy healing course reiki course spirituality ottawa healer ottawa
If you are empathic (meaning that you feel emotions, feelings, and thoughts that belong to other people), then note that “Valentines Day” is obviously coming.
Valentines Day brings with it a lot of painful energies, as well as many lower-vibrational and mean energies.
The stores would have us think that it’s all pink hearts and candy, but really it’s not that at all. (If you do even mild research on the origins of “Valentines Day,” you’ll see how distorted the hearts and candy façade really is.)
The time leading up to February 14 is often heavy with the energies of loneliness, betrayal, and jealousy, for example. Old hurts and wounds around relationships can be triggered. empath valentines day
And underneath all of that, in the Occult frequencies, there is even worse energy being manipulated. In fact, this is why I held a Global Energy Clearing call two years ago, to clear the energies truly associated with “Valentines Day.” Read about those other frequencies here.
Years ago, when I was doing energy work for the planet quite intensely, I actually found myself crushed under the weight of everything that floats around at this time. I was so burdened that I couldn’t follow through with processing them. A spirit friend ended up sacrificing themselves for me, taking on the bulk of these energies and transmuting them in fire.
So if you start to feel some of this, know that it’s not just you. If you can let it go, or let it pass through you, then do. That said, take note of whether there is something inside you that is indeed yours (or your lineage’s), something of your own that is truly getting triggered; that thing could benefit from healing. Use your preferred method to heal it. Once it’s healed, you won’t need to ever feel it again. And then when the next February 14 arrives, you will be free, even if you are an empath.
energy update february 2021 wellness news energy healing course reiki course spirituality ottawa healer ottawa
I do hope you will join the online course that starts tomorrow. It’s the perfect way to acclimate to where we’re all going–a higher level that lives in harmony with the spirit world.
You will specifically learn the process of soul-level healing, using distant energy healing methods that can be done from the comfort of your home. The course is online and lasts all year. Register here.
If you’ve already registered, then I’ll be sending you an email today with all of the details for our first class!
Course Alumni: If you’d like to be part of this current session, join at your alumni rate.
Separately, take note that we’re now in another Mercury Retrograde. From now until February 21, Mercury will be trying to course correct our lives (if that’s needed), as well as bring outstanding issues to completion. I love Merc Rx for these reasons, actually. The best advice is to slow down, be deliberate, and heed your intuitive guidance.
New Article: I added a short post to my blog.
- Messages from the Higher Self: My most impactful song lyric
- When we begin to awaken, we’re swimming in psychic messages. The most impactful message from my own Higher Self was this song.
Group Healing: The Monthly Healing Call is Wednesday, February 3. This occurs from 7-8pm EST, online. If you’d like to do meditation, receive energy healing, and ask me a question in a private group setting at a group rate, then join here.
If I can assist you this month with healing, coaching, or guidance, then I would be honored to do so.
~ Jen Wozny
BA, MSc, Founder
energy update february 2021 wellness news energy healing course reiki course spirituality ottawa healer ottawa
Check out our Events this month!
Tuesday, February 2: Course begins; register here. Class 1 Modules: Receiving Clear Messages; Asking Good Questions. Class 1 Meditation Focus: Receiving Messages About Yourself. Online. 7-9pm EST.
Wednesday, February 3: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to and messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period. 7-8pm EST. Online.
Tuesday, February 16: Final day to join the course. empath valentines day
Saturday, February 20: Healings co-hosted by Green Spirit in Manotick, ON. These appointments are still being held virtually. Book your Green Spirit appointment here. 11am to 4pm EST.
Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Energy Healing and Life Coaching appointments by phone/Skype. Choose from 90, 60, 30, and 15 minutes. Or, book a free consultation.
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energy update february 2021 wellness news energy healing course reiki course spirituality ottawa healer ottawa
Celestial Influences: February 2021
11: New Moon
21: Mercury turns Direct
27: Full Moon
empath valentines day energy update february 2021 wellness news energy healing course reiki course spirituality ottawa healer ottawa