Energy Update: A Potent Summer Ahead
Energy Update: Summer 2019
We have entered into another period of energy that is potent–powerful, influential, and formidable. From now until early August, the planet’s energies will change dramatically. This period has the potential to disrupt our lives, exacerbate illnesses, and launch a new and ideally positive phase to our lives. It will be similar to Summer 2018, which was characterized by “nightmares, emotions, and deep growth.” energy update 2019
No less than four things will be happening.
July 2-16
First up is Eclipse Season. This begins on July 2 with a total eclipse of the Sun, and ends July 16 with a partial eclipse of the Moon. Those are the formal dates. But the direct energetic effects can be felt for about a week prior to and after the eclipses themselves. Note that Eclipse Season is a major energetic event. It happens to be my least favorite time of the year for this reason, but can be used to your advantage if you capitalize on it. For full details on the eclipses, read “Solar and Lunar Eclipses: What happens, what it does to us, and how Occultists use the energies.”
July 7-31
Second, Mercury moves retrograde from July 7 to July 31. Now, this is not a huge deal, as many make it out to be. Merc Rx happens about four times per year, every year. But the population *does* make it out to be a big deal, and since we all share the same collective energy field, everyone’s antsy energy affects the rest of us. What’s the best way to deal with Mercury Retrograde? Learn about it. And then move through it in a calm, informed manner. For more details, read “Mercury Retrograde: Know the rules, play it right, and win.”
August 8
Third, we will also experience another “Lion’s Gate” on August 8. This is apparently a day when the Earth lines up perfectly with a constellation in the sky, as well as with the center of the Galaxy itself, thereby opening a flow of unique energy that is available only once per year. As an empath, I can say that it is indeed a noteworthy day. And the effects can be felt several days before and after August 8.
And fourth, on every day there are numerous events happening around the world that affect our own lives and energies. At the moment, there are quite a lot of negative events, a lot of protests–with people venting long-buried, even ancestral anger–and much more. We are in a time of major, major change. The whole planet is. We knew that it would happen, so best is to be prepared for it. Expecting life to continue “as usual” is probably ignoring the evidence all around us. To learn precisely what is happening and how to prepare for the future, join the “Lightworker: Level 1” course, happening August 24-25, 2019, in Ottawa, Canada.
How To Get Through It All
The best strategy for managing all of what is happening is to be conscious about it. Acknowledge that things are happening. Acknowledge that our world is changing. Acknowledge that “energy” affects us. (We ourselves are made entirely of energy.)
Then learn about it. Then pay attention to how it is affecting you–both positively and negatively. Then decide what you would like to do, with that information in mind: do nothing or do something. Then align your life with your desired goal, and take steps in that direction.
Doing the latter will often show us that we have things that need to be healed and let go of. Doing the latter is also sometimes most effective when we have a partner working with us. I would be happy to help you with both of these things: soul-level Energy Healing and Life Coaching appointments are available by phone five days a week. Read more and book an appointment.
Above all, this is a time to take care of ourselves; gently, without judgment.
I wish you a smooth and light-filled summer.
~ Jen
If this information was useful for you, I’d love for you to say thanks with a comment or a contribution.
Watch the Energy Update for Winter 2019, much of which still applies.
energy update 2019
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Energy Update: A Potent Summer Ahead – Put The Light Here
June 30, 2019 at 11:07 am
[…] Continue reading. […]