The Tao of Fruity Pebbles: Colorful, Candy-Coated Bites of Wisdom
My trip into the world of spirituality was an intense one. It was the modern-day, North American equivalent of renouncing all possessions, shedding all facets of one’s identity, and hiking through the Himalayan mountains in search of communion with Source and training by the unseen Masters.
It took me to depths that I never knew existed. It took me to heights that I had never even thought possible. It took me also through a wide variety of spiritual traditions.
My journey ultimately re-introduced me to who I am, and tapped me into the fullness of what the eons-old soul is aware of.
At the end of my own journey, it became my next purpose to assist others through their own. Indeed, I had already encountered many people who were wanting to be healthier, feel more fulfilled, and have a better sense of who they really are.
During the process of creating my business, I was pleasantly surprised by the outlet that was provided by social media; Twitter in particular. It was not a platform that I had ever wanted to engage with, but Spirit’s encouragement drove me to set up an account (and told me what to Tweet sometimes). Very quickly, I enjoyed my 140-character opportunity to tell the world about yoga postures for healing, meditations for financial success, mantras to heal the heart, nutritional supplements to strengthen the body, and so much more. I shared real-time assessments of the planet’s energy field, which can be felt by us humans and which we can often mistake as being something unique to ourselves. I shared ancient quotes, interpreted in plain language. I also shared the New Wisdom that is being brought to this Earth, to support us through these modern times.
While I know that these messages contained value, I noticed that they were having nearly no impact; rarely did they garner a Like, a Comment, or a Re-Tweet. I couldn’t understand. I thought this type of information was what people wanted, and I was comfortable that I had the credentials to share it. But I was failing somehow.
Then one day, I looked to the part of my computer screen that shows what is, in fact, trending on Twitter. Meaning, what people are actually engaging with. And one of the trends that day sent my heart into a deep ache: Tens of thousands of people were at that moment having a lively discussion about which was better–Fruity Pebbles or Cocoa Puffs. Sugar-coated cereal. That was what they were investing their time into. That was what they were inviting into their lives.
This realization delivered a shock to my system and sent me into a bit of a spin, where I honestly questioned my existence. My life had just been systematically dismantled by the higher realms; I had been run through a battlefield of the highs and lows of the spiritual path; I had worked hard to embody the wisdom teachings; I had been trained to be of service; and I was trying to rebuild a new life that allowed me to help people, which is something that makes me genuinely happy to do. Yet it seemed that someone like me was not what was wanted. I took a break from social media. I dealt with my heartache, re-aligned with my purpose, and course corrected myself.
What I ended up doing was de-constructing this Fruity Pebble versus Cocoa Puffs debate. Because, clearly, there was something so appealing to people that they were consuming it willingly, easily, and very much in a frenzy.
So this is what I took from the situation: We willingly consume things that are indeed easy to swallow, metaphorically. Colorful. Bite-sized. Sugar-coated.
The pretty pictures. The puppy videos. The short video clips or GIFs of something funny.
We engage with those things. Happily.
We might even have a deep need for those things that provide a quick boost to our day.
Additionally, our world contains much stress and chaos; few of us have the desire to work harder than we are already being asked to work. Nor should we have to.
So, what I had been delivering were not the Fruity Pebbles of social media. They were the cleanses, the fasts, the meals so healthy as to be tasteless. Only the devoted few would seek out and consume such things.
This didn’t mean that I had to stop offering my super-healthy meals; only that I also needed to pass around some canapés. Colorful ones. The easy clicks. The quick respite amidst a busy day.
I think this is where we are as a culture: Overloaded, overwhelmed, and knowing that we should probably be healthier but really just needing to see some puppies.
And so for the healing community that is here in support of humanity, we need to package our products accordingly.
Many souls over time have reiterated one of the timeless wisdom teachings: If we want to effect change, then we cannot challenge the current system; we must create an alternative to it.
We need to offer a healthy, uplifting, nourishing alternative to the emptiness of what is typically being provided; but do so in a way that can be consumed easily.
We must become the organic, non-GMO, fairly traded, sustainably produced, plant-based version of Fruity Pebbles.
It was in response to this observation that I felt comfortable creating a line of crystal products; colorful but supportive items that can be integrated into daily life. The charms and keychain malas are especially designed for this functionality. The observation also reinforced my creation of “Energy by Email”: distant energy healing for which the client does nothing except purchase the product. We’re busy; but we need some help. So I offer to do all the work.
Since the Fruity Pebbles offered me their wisdom, I’ve also been trying to incorporate more images into social media; we are a visual culture, after all. This has not yet been my greatest success, but I’m working on it.
Overall, with Put The Light Here and all of its varied offerings, I’m trying to respond to the realities of our world, which is that not one type of product will work for everyone. We’re all at different places on our spiritual journeys, with different demands on our time, and therefore needing different types of assistance.
If you have suggestions about products that you would like to see offered, or delivery mechanisms that you feel are effective, then please know that your comments are welcome.
May you always have the Light when you need it.
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The Tao of Fruity Pebbles: Colorful, Candy-Coated Bites of Wisdom – Put The Light Here
June 24, 2018 at 5:38 pm
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