August News: An event like no other
Happy August! How are you doing?
For several months, I’ve been feeling impelled to share some information with you. It relates to the current/future Earth changes and what you need to do if you want to survive it—as gracefully as possible.
There is an urgency here. The energy has been building since early spring, and it is pushing out of me right now. This information needs to get to you by the end of the summer.
So: I will be hosting a 4-hour event, on Sunday, August 28. 1-5pm. $165 + HST.
I will be speaking freely; more freely than I have ever spoken in public.
I will tell you what you NEED to do. (If you know me at all, then you know I never speak like this. I always say, “Do what feels right for you.” And that’s still true, but I won’t be bothering with saying that on the 28th.) So that alone makes this different, more frank, more honest and clear.
This will be a Zoom event.
It will be an intimate gathering of people whom I have screened. If I know you, then you’re probably in. If I don’t know you, then you’ll need to pass the vibe check: book a free consult and let’s talk.
You will need to sign a consent form before you can register. My terms: no recording, no public sharing of my information, no unsafe energy. I do not allow recording of any kind: no screenshots, photos, videos, audios. You will need to take notes the old-fashioned way. This is my intellectual property and we live in a world that has little respect for that. So if you agree to respect it, then you can come. In addition, I will not be recording this either; this is a totally safe space where we are free to speak our truths.
I already have a list of things that you need to do, to move forward into the world that’s being created, and to align with it rather than stay stuck in the dying patriarchal system.
I also have extensive notes on *what is happening,* why, and what is coming for us in the future—the good and the very bad.
This talk will be INFORMATION DENSE. I will speak UNFILTERED. It will be REAL. I will open up and share with you what I know without massaging it for public consumption. It will likely be intense. This is your one chance at a free-for-all: You can ask me ANYTHING and I will answer.
I’m going to give you a ton of information in these four hours. I will give you links and articles and resources that you can pursue; you can go down all of these rabbit holes as far as you like. You’re going to leave with a very long to-do list for yourself.
If you are ready to be fully awake to see the world as it truly is—so that you can make a leap in your consciousness and jump into the new world—then this event is for you. But if you only *think* you’re ready to be awake, or you are “but only if Jen doesn’t talk about [fill in your blank],” then this event is NOT for you. I will not expend energy trying to convince anyone of anything.
This talk may be hard hitting. The information I share may shake you. It may make you uncomfortable. Some things may even make you want to throw up a shield and resist what I am saying; but I promise that your soul already knows that it is all true.
And if you want to go higher, truly go higher and not just hemm and haw about it, then you need to be here.
Know this before committing: In order to go higher with the new Earth, you will need to make sacrifices. You will need to give up A LOT. And it’s going to take a lot of effort. But I promise you that it will be worth it. And remember that I have worked with the old Earth to dissolve it and the new Earth to create it, so believe me when I say that succumbing to the old Earth would not be somewhere I’d want to live. But the choice will always be yours to make.
Why am I doing this now? This is being pushed out of me in advance of a major shift. We are coming to a fork in the road, possibly before or at Fall Equinox in September: You will need to finally decide which path to take. But in order to make that decision, you need to be fully informed of what the higher path will require of you. Like I said above, it will take work.
So that’s what this talk is doing: providing you with full information so that you can decide, rightly, what you will choose. And if you choose Light, then my information is imperative. You have to see the world for what it is. You have to know how to navigate the future.
I don’t feel that this magnitude of a choice point will be coming again. We’ve had smaller ones all along, but this one feels different. It will split us more thoroughly into two disparate groups: “I’m staying with the Dark patriarchy” and “I’ve cut anchor and have fully aligned with the Light.”
So: Are you in?
If so, then fill out this form and email it back to me. It requires your handwritten signature plus initials where indicated. If you pass the vibe check, then I’ll send you the link to pay and register.
Please register immediately. I will ONLY host this if at least four people have joined, and done so no later than August 15. If I don’t get four people by that date, then I’ll cancel the event and refund your payment.*. I’m doing this for YOU. I already know all of this and live by this, so this is for you.
This is a one-time only event. Now or never.
If you have questions, book a free consult here.
Note: This is not a course. There are no handouts and no slides; only your own notes. This is just a talk, in a safe and protected space, amongst like-hearted souls who are committed to the future. The information will not duplicate my other courses, so if you’ve taken LW1 or LW2 or CYPHA, then you won’t be hearing the same information.
*If you pay by e-transfer, then I will be able to refund your full payment. If you pay through PayPal, then you are accepting that I will be able to refund your payment minus PayPal’s fees, which are approximately 3% of the total transaction; PayPal now keeps its fees, so I cannot return those to you. I therefore encourage you to pay with an e-transfer so that you don’t lose that money if I have to cancel the event. (I will only cancel on the basis of low registration.) With tax, the price is $186.45.
In-person Appointments: Come visit me in Perth for an in-person appointment! I’ll be at Pine & Patchouli on:
- Saturday, August 6
- Sunday, August 21
To book, call the shop owner Kay at 613-240-0142.
CYPHA Practice Group: For alumni of my healing course, we’ll be practicing together again on Saturday, September 10. In the June group, one alum learned how to heal multiple past lives at the same time! To register now, go here.
Group Healing: Relax, de-stress, and feel peaceful inside. Join me for the Monthly Healing Call on Wednesday, August 3. It’s 7-8pm EST online. Now in its 5th year! We’ll meditate, I’ll do some healing on you, and if you have a question, you can ask it. Join here.
Book your appointment for energy healing with life coaching: Appointments can be made here.
I wish you a month of ascension.
Feel more comfortable saying “no” and speaking your truth.
Get the benefits of deep energy healing mixed with holistic life coaching.
Book now.
Wednesday, August 3: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to and messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period. 7-8pm EST. Online.
Saturday, August 6: In-person appointments at Pine & Patchouli in Perth, Ontario (39 Foster Street). 11am to 4pm. To book, contact the shop’s owner Kay at 613-240-0142.
Sunday, August 21: In-person appointments at Pine & Patchouli in Perth, Ontario (39 Foster Street). 11am to 4pm. To book, contact the shop’s owner Kay at 613-240-0142.
Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype. Choose from 2 hours, 90 minutes, 1 hour, or 30 minutes. Or, book a free consultation.
Celestial Influences: August 2022
8: Lion’s Gate
12: Full Moon
24: Uranus Retrograde begins
27: New Moon
Your home doesn’t need to feel heavy, stuck, and foggy.
Order an energy clearing, and start feeling lighter immediately.
Clear your home.