possibility vs probability, quantum reality, keep dreaming, everything is possible, spiritual awakening, ottawa healer

Here’s why you should always keep dreaming

Here’s a short post on the nature of reality, and why you should always keep dreaming: spontaneous healing miracles happen everything is possible quantum reality

We live in a quantum world, where reality is so strange that even physicists have a hard time digesting what our multiverse is truly like.  But in this quantum world, it is true that literally everything you can imagine to be possible, is possible.

Can you spontaneously cure your illness? Yes, it’s possible.

Can you fly? Yes, it’s possible.

Can the Universe deposit a million dollars into your bank account? Yes, it’s possible.

Everything is possible. Everything.

So the question is not “is it possible” but rather “is it probable?”

Is this thing likely to happen? And is it likely to happen to you? And is it likely to happen to you in this lifetime?

(If yes, then when?)

Those are the questions to ask.

I absolutely know, for example, that the energy healing work I do can instantly cure every person I work with. I know that.

But I also know that it likely won’t happen for most people.

I know this because that’s not how life works. quantum reality

Sudden cures, flying humans, instant wealth–all of those things would deprive us of the lessons and experiences that we’re here to have. (I know, I know–they would be nice, right?)

So we need to relax into the proper unfolding of our lives. And we need to know that it was us–our souls–who chose this plan for ourselves, before we were born.

So everything is going according to that plan.

But do keep dreaming. Do wish for the so-called “impossible.” Because it’s not impossible. Indeed, it just might be right for you, in this very life.

If you feel something grand within yourself, then probably it is right. Hold onto that.

~ Jen

spontaneous healing miracles happen true nature of reality everything is possible quantum reality quantum worl

possibility vs probability, quantum reality, keep dreaming, everything is possible, spiritual awakening, ottawa healer

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spontaneous healing miracles happen true nature of reality everything is possible quantum reality quantum world

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