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April Newsletter: $35 appointments, new videos, new course

Happy April and Happy Spring!

How are you doing?

I hope this message finds you and all of your loved ones healthy and safe.


$35 Appointments:  In response to our new financial situations, I created a new appointment type: 15-minute appointments, for only $35 (by phone).

Can we really do meaningful healing in such a short time?  Yes.  I can help with past-life healing, ancestral clearing, soul retrieval, emotional overwhelm, physical pain, energy upgrades, and more.

For details and to order, see here.


New Video Series:  I have made public one of the modules of my online course, as I feel this information is needed widely.

In “15 Misconceptions about Energy Healing, Psychic Abilities, and the Spirit World,” you will find what is hopefully a well-rounded and balanced perspective on some oft-misunderstood aspects of reality.

The full playlist is 38 minutes long.  Watch the videos individually by clicking the links below:

  1. Spirituality is all about “love and light.”  Focusing on anything else is not spiritual.
  2. All of the spirits in the spirit world are loving and positive.  I would never connect with a spirit that is harmful.
  3. As long as I do not pay attention to the darkness, it will not affect me.
  4. Of course I think that Black Magic and voodoo are real….  Well, not really, and certainly they do not affect me.
  5. As long as I am working with the angels or God, I cannot hurt anyone.
  6. I should feel flattered when a spirit wants to connect with me.
  7. A person who has psychic abilities is obviously a good and special person.
  8. Someone who calls themselves a healer, teacher, guru, master, spiritual leader, Yogi, etc., obviously embodies the essence of that title, so I should trust them.
  9. All standardized healing practices, such as Reiki, will be the same, no matter who I get it from.
  10. Energy healing is not really “real”; and similarly, practicing it has no negative consequences.
  11. It is not a big deal to connect with another person’s energy and soul; I can tune into someone anytime I want.
  12. Using tools such as crystals, candles, cards, and pendulums, will make me a better healer.
  13. Energy healers help with superficial feelings and problems, but they do not deal with deep, serious issues.
  14. It is totally fine to send energy to people, whenever I want.  It is “love and light”—who doesn’t want that?
  15. It is not possible to receive too much energy healing in an appointment.

If you are interested in disclosure, then you might watch videos 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8.For ethical considerations, see 5, 8, 10, 11, and 14.

If you’re curious about the powers of energy healing, see videos 10 and 13.

For anyone new to the spirit or psychic world, useful are videos 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8.


Online Course:  A new session of the course to “Cultivate Your Psychic & Healing Abilities” is scheduled to begin July 7.

However, I can begin it on May 5 if people are interested in starting sooner.  I need at least four people to register, to begin in May.

If you’d like to use this self-isolation time to begin connecting with your soul and the spirit world more deeply, and practicing healing on yourself, then please let me know.


If I can assist you with healing, coaching, or guidance, then find me here.  Please remember that healing is available to you every Wednesday evening for only $15.

I wish you a fresh and beautiful month.

~ Jen Wozny
   BA, MSc, Founder

Check out our Events this month!

Wednesday, April 1: Weekly Healing Call (affordable healing for all who need it; open to the public; no experience necessary; replay is available until Saturday at midnight).Thursday, April 2: Class #4 of the online course, “Cultivate Your Healing Abilities(second session).  Lessons: Common Procedures Used in Energy Healing; Healing Across Time and Space; Simple versus Complex Issues in Healing.  Meditation: Doing Healing on Yourself.

Friday, April 3: Healings co-hosted by Green Spirit in Manotick, ON. The shop is closed temporarily, so appointments are being held virtually.  Book your 15-30-45-, or 60-minute Green Spirit appointment.  12-5pm.

Wednesday, April 8: Weekly Healing Call (affordable healing for all who need it; open to the public; no experience necessary; replay is available until Saturday at midnight).

Wednesday, April 15: Weekly Healing Call (affordable healing for all who need it; open to the public; no experience necessary; replay is available until Saturday at midnight).

Saturday, April 18: Healings co-hosted by Green Spirit in Manotick, ON. The shop is closed temporarily, so appointments are being held virtually.  Book your 15-30-45-, or 60-minute Green Spirit appointment.  11am to 4pm.

Wednesday, April 22: Weekly Healing Call (affordable healing for all who need it; open to the public; no experience necessary; replay is available until Saturday at midnight).

Thursday, April 23: Healings co-hosted by Green Spirit in Manotick, ON. The shop is closed temporarily, so appointments are being held virtually.  Book your 15-30-45-, or 60-minute Green Spirit appointment.  12-5pm.

Wednesday, April 29: Weekly Healing Call (affordable healing for all who need it; open to the public; no experience necessary; replay is available until Saturday at midnight).

Five days per week: Energy Healing and/or Life Coaching (worldwide by phone or Skype).

ottawa wellbeing, ontario healing, ontario wellness, canada healer

Celestial Influences: April 2020

8: Full Moon
23: New Moon
25: Pluto turns Retrograde (until May 1)


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Free Appointments: April 20-24, for anyone in need of help