October News: A thinner veil, and tummies full of energy
Happy October! Please find below my monthly newsletter. To view it online and/or subscribe, click here. spiritual newsletter
How are you doing?
Energy Update: If you have noticed that your tummy is swollen or distended lately, know that you are not alone. Since early August, many of us have been experiencing “Buddha belly”–our stomachs are bloated for no obvious reason, except to say that we are filled with a lot of energy which our systems are trying to digest.
There is also a simultaneous decrease in hunger; and this may go so far as to feel that putting food into our mouths is a foreign concept. Generally, these are signs that the energy on the planet has shifted, often for the positive. Our bodies digest the energy around us just as much as they digest food. And when we’re full of energy, then we don’t feel like eating solids.
The energies lately have also further revealed weaknesses within us; these seem to be emotional weaknesses, rather than physical ones. We are shown which emotions need to be healed. We might even be drawn to something we know is wrong for us–and this is showing us that there is still something in us doing the drawing.
There were also more “spontaneous awakenings” in September. Many people, in a short period of time, became aware of higher levels of reality or different life paths available to them. This is good news, as awakening is one of the things that drives positive change. It also brings us even closer to our highest selves. There are two main types of awakening; read about them here.
The Veil Thins at Halloween: The final day of this month is, of course, Halloween. On that day, the boundary between our world and the spirit world is thin. We are more likely to encounter energies, beings, and friends on the other side. The ideas of magic, witchcraft, demons, ghosts, and more are all around us.
It can be a wonderful time to connect with our own Higher Self, with our spirit guides, and with Source. We might therefore choose to begin a meditation practice at this time, or to create an altar or space in our homes dedicated to connecting with the invisible parts of reality.
Doing this is aided by knowing that unfriendly spirits exist, and that they can disrupt our lives when we accidentally connect with them. To educate people about this phenomenon, I created a 1-hour audio course that discusses the importance of protecting ourselves from negative energies, and how to do it.
You will also learn 12 signs that negative energies are affecting you, three main ways that they enter your life, and five things you can do to protect yourself. The audio also facilitates energy clearing and healing on you, to enhance your security right away. Find the course here: “Energetic Security: Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself now.”
Read more about energetic security on my dedicated page.
Next Session of the Online Course: If you would like to join my online course to Cultivate Your Healing Abilities, then the next session will begin in January. Registration will open in mid-October. The course lasts six months and is open to everyone worldwide; we meet once a month in a teleconference. There will also be optional, standalone modules available to students of this course.
Gift Certificates Make Great Gifts: As you think of gifts for loved ones this holiday season, keep in mind the gift of healing and coaching. I offer gift certificates for 60-, 30-, and 15-minute appointments; find them here.
I wish you a beautiful month. If I can assist you with healing, coaching, or guidance, then find me here.
~ Jen Wozny
BA, MSc, Founder
spiritual newsletter
Check out our Events this month!
Tuesday, October 1: Class #3 of the online course, “Cultivate Your Healing Abilities.”Wednesday, October 2: Weekly Healing Call (affordable healing for all who need it; open to the public; no experience necessary; replay is available until Saturday at midnight).
Sunday, October 6: In-Person Appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, ON. Receive the same service as in our phone appointments, but with the added enjoyment of meeting in person! Book your appointment by calling Green Spirit: 613-692-5151. Appointments are 12-4pm.
Wednesday, October 9: Weekly Healing Call (affordable healing for all who need it; open to the public; no experience necessary; replay is available until Saturday at midnight).
Wednesday, October 16: Weekly Healing Call (affordable healing for all who need it; open to the public; no experience necessary; replay is available until Saturday at midnight).
Saturday, October 19: In-Person Appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, ON. Receive the same service as in our phone appointments, but with the added enjoyment of meeting in person! Book your appointment by calling Green Spirit: 613-692-5151. Appointments are 11am to 4pm.
Wednesday, October 23: Weekly Healing Call (affordable healing for all who need it; open to the public; no experience necessary; replay is available until Saturday at midnight).
Friday, October 25: In-Person Appointments at Green Spirit in Manotick, ON. Receive the same service as in our phone appointments, but with the added enjoyment of meeting in person! Book your appointment by calling Green Spirit: 613-692-5151. Appointments are 12-5pm.
Wednesday, October 30: Weekly Healing Call (affordable healing for all who need it; open to the public; no experience necessary; replay is available until Saturday at midnight).
Five days per week: Energy Healing and/or Life Coaching (worldwide by phone). spiritual newsletter
3: Pluto turns Direct
13: Full Moon
28: New Moon
31: Mercury turns Retrograde
Wishing you a gorgeous month.
~ Put The Light Here
spiritual newsletter