Wildfires: How to stay calm when Gaia’s skin is on fire
It is not even summer and yet wildfires are raging all across Canada. As Gaia’s skin burns, your nervous system and energy field may be feeling crackly, hypersensitive, and amped up–especially if you are (or your child is) an empath.
There are many simple things you can do to help yourself.
Here are some ways to balance the fiery energy and stay cool and calm:
1. Hydrate your cells. Most hydrating is freshly made fruit or veggie juice. For maximum cooling, try cucumber juice or watermelon juice. If your only option is prepared juice, find the coconut water (avoid the brands that add sugar).
2. Surround yourself with water energy. Play sounds of waterfalls or waves. Put an image or video of water on your screen.
3. Practice left-nostril breathing. Breathing through the left nostril is cooling. With your finger, gently hold closed your right nostril and breathe only through the left for as long as you like.

4. Rub some oil on your skin. Your nervous system is partly located in the nerve endings in your skin. On hot days, those endings can—physically and energetically—crackle. Nourish them by coating them with some oil; for example, coconut oil.
5. Get cave-like. Close the blinds, turn off the lights, and maintain a darker, cooler environment at home or work.
6. Soak in an Epsom salt bath, preferably with cooler water. Epsom salts contain magnesium, which is calming for the body. Since your skin contains your nerve endings, they’ll get a direct impact.
7. Reduce the stimuli around you. The fires are intense, and your nervous system and energy body can feel that. Reduce the amount of stimuli they need to process: turn down the music, work from a quiet room, don’t scroll through social media, turn off the screens, take things off your to-do list.
8. Eat cooling foods. Cucumbers, watery fruits, and raw veggies are cooling for the body. Add more of them to your day.
9. Avoid foods that have been prepared with fire (or heat). They can keep your energy imbalanced.
10. Get meditative. Meditation calms us, especially if we’re antsy or sensitive. Sit quietly and focus on your breathing or follow a gentle guided meditation.
11. Engage in water-based activities. If you have access to a pool, a river, or a lake, then go for a swim, a kayak, or a sail. Let the spirit of the water soothe you.
12. Bonus: If you’re a helper, then you can help Gaia directly by holding a stable, calming energy field. Your energy body is a small part of Her energy body. When she’s on fire, you can help her by giving her a small piece of stability.
It is also helpful to get an energy healing or an energy clearing if the wildfires or their energy are bringing your wounds to the surface or agitating you. I can help with that. Book here.
~ Jen
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Comments ( 2 )
June 7, 2023 at 9:27 pm
Excellent tips, Jen. Thank you for sharing your Light–I appreciate you!
Jen Wozny
June 8, 2023 at 10:30 am
Thank you, WriteLighter! <3 I'm glad the tips were helpful.