December 2020: The Light arrives, and my Christmas wishes for you
Happy December! How are you doing? december 2020
Is it just me, or did November last a very long time?
It was a “noisy” month, I found. A lot of people were arguing (over things that had no actual point or goal), and it seemed that people were venting all over each other in nasty ways. Instead of looking at this or wading in, I disconnected. Did you do this, too?
November was therefore a month to keep to ourselves, focus on our own lives, and dwell in the peace in our own homes and lives, rather than get caught up in the energy of our fellow humans. If you did get pulled into loops of arguments, though, perhaps take a step back from them; detach, take a break, and determine whether your energy could be better used elsewhere.
Amidst the noise of November, one wonderful thing was clear: The veil thinned even more, and Source and the spirit world came closer to us. It is always exciting to feel Source with us. For me, it’s like a relief: “Ahhh, yes…there is a higher power, as well as a higher purpose to all the chaos down here.”
I expect this closeness to continue in December, especially given the noteworthy events that are ahead of us this month:
1. First, the total eclipse of the Sun occurs on Monday, December 14 (8:33am to 1:53pm EST). Since the Sun is our source of power on Earth, and during an eclipse we are blocked from it, this event is akin to powering down a computer and rebooting it. Why do we reboot our computers? To allow upgrades to come online. So, as of December 14, any “upgrades” (healing, activations, opening of your spiritual gifts, major life changes) that you have worked on will have the chance to come further into your life. We can make use of this. Learn more about the Occult use of eclipses here.
2. Second, exactly one week later we have Solstice (Monday, December 21 at 5:02am EST). Solstice represents a tipping point, a point where tension is at its highest. When tension is high, we can deliberately break it–for the purpose of breaking free of something. Specifically, we can break free from what weighs us down or holds us back, and go higher, become freer. Solstice is often accompanied by a dose of high-vibrational spiritual energy. So again, we can use this to our advantage. It is a great day for an energy healing appointment. Or, prepare in advance by having a session on Saturday, December 19.
3. Third, also on Monday, December 21, we have another major astrological event: the “great conjunction” of Saturn and Jupiter, in the sign of Aquarius. In layman’s terms, the energy of this event is said to offer the true energy of the Aquarian Age–the 2,000-year period on Earth where we finally come back into our hearts, recognize the oneness of everything, and reconnect with our Source and true purpose.
Back in 2012, we believed that that was the beginning of the Aquarian Age (and it was). But this 2020 event is supposed to further bathe our world in Light.
Not that everything will change overnight, because evolution doesn’t happen that way. Rather, it’s another step on the way to planetary healing and the expansion of our consciousness.
This conjunction, paired with a reboot of our planet’s energy fields, is a huge and positive opportunity for our world.
4. And fourth, even though our calendar is manmade (and only ~400 years old–did you know that?), this month also contains “New Year’s Eve.” December 31 therefore contains an energy of completion, and that, too, can be used to our advantage.
So, 2020 was a momentous year. We can take time to reflect on it, before it ends. Here are some things to ask yourself:
- What did you learn?
- What did you gain?
- What did you lose or let go of?
- What are the highlights and most noteworthy events?
- In the bigger picture, what did 2020 represent for your life?
- Take note of what is still unfinished; this is coming with you into 2021.
Once you have extracted from 2020 all that it had to offer, let it go. Make space for what’s coming next.
Then, if you’d like, plan for 2021. Be conscious of what’s coming next, and what you want to happen next for your life.
- What do you know about 2021 already?
- What do you want to work on next year?
- What do you want more of?
- What do you want less of?
- What are 3-5 ways in which you will work towards these goals?
Being prepared helps. december 2020
And if there’s something that you want to leave behind in 2020, then there’s still time to work on that.
Cultivate Your Psychic & Healing Abilities: The next session of my online course begins on February 2, and registration is open. I encourage you to consider it. The world is becoming increasingly psychic/spiritual, and where else do we learn how to navigate the invisible worlds?
These materials represent everything I know about the Cosmos, healing, and the psychic realms. They are taught in a clear, mainstream manner; having started my career teaching US defense analysts how to communicate effectively and even writing a Masters thesis on it. You will not find this material, nor this level of healing, anywhere else.
We go straight to the Source. No intermediaries. We also uncover who you are, and how you work in these realms. I don’t teach you “my” way; I help you discover your way. This is really the point of the spiritual journey.
This material is also grounded in ethics. In spiritual circles, ethics are almost never taught. That changes now.
Visit your past, parallel, and alternate lives. Travel through the Cosmos in meditation. Uncover and heal your soul’s wounds. Understand the process of healing itself and your part in it. Learn the basics of soul retrieval, cord removal, and other techniques. Identify your main psychic abilities and hone them. Bring out your soul’s fullest potential–then use it in your life.
One full year of access to the materials: February to January. One year of support in our private Facebook group. One year to earn your Certificate of Completion. Six months of classes. A review call in Month 7. A bonus call in Month 11.
Entirely online.
Join at the Early Bird rate until January 1. Curriculum and registration are here.
Christmas Hours: The last day for appointments in 2020 is Wednesday, December 23. I will be closed from December 24 to January 3. Appointments will resume Monday, January 4. This closure includes Energy by Email appointments.
Last Day for Shipping / Deliveries: The last day for shipping is Tuesday, December 15. After this day, I will be holding all packages until my business resumes on Monday, January 4. (If you’re in west Ottawa, I will deliver until Friday, December 18.)
Please have orders in prior to this time. Or, continue to order with the awareness that arrival of your package will be delayed until shipping resumes in January.
Gift certificates can continue to be ordered at any time; simply print and gift your receipt, or order it as a PDF.
Merry Christmas! Christmas is my favorite time of the year. It’s the time when we (or I, at least), immerse ourselves in lights, kindness, thoughtful gestures, gathering with loved ones, warmth, and song. The fact that we sing readily about angels, heaven, goodwill, hope, Christ Consciousness, and light, makes Christmas carols my favorite genre of music. (If that’s geeky, I’m okay with it.) I’ve created a playlist on YouTube with some favorite carols; if you’d like to listen to it, find it here.
If you’d instead like to fill your space with mantra music, then I have a playlist for that, too; it’s here.
Whatever you celebrate, and however you are indeed celebrating this year, from the depth of my heart I wish you and your loved ones the full Spirit of Christmas. The love, the connection with Source/God–which you are, the Pure Light, the wonder, the peace, and the kind gestures from the people and spirits who care about you.
Group Healing: The Monthly Healing Call is Wednesday, December 2. This occurs from 7-8pm EST, online. If you’d like to do meditation, receive energy healing, and ask me a question in a private group setting, for only $15, then join here.
If you’d like some healing this month, then I’d be honored to work with you. Book here.
~ Jen Wozny
BA, MSc, Founder, former National Security professional
Lover of the Christmas Spirit <3
december 2020
Check out our events this month!
Tuesday, December 1: Class #6 (of 6) of the online course. Lessons: What Energy Healing Can and Cannot Do; Success Stories; Creativity. Meditation: Doing Healing on the Subject of Your Choice. 7-9pm EST.
Wednesday, December 2: Monthly Healing Call. Features guided meditation, connection to/messages from your Higher Self, distant energy healing, and guidance during a Q&A period. 7-8pm EST. Online.
Saturday, December 19: Healings co-hosted by Green Spirit in Manotick, ON. These appointments are still being held virtually. Book your Green Spirit appointment here. 11am to 4pm EST.
December 24 to January 3: Closed. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Energy Healing and Life Coaching appointments by phone/Skype. Choose from 90, 60, 30, and 15 minutes. Or, book a free consultation.
Celestial Influences: December 2020
14: New Moon
14: Total Solar Eclipse (8:33am to 1:53pm EST)
15: Chiron turns Direct
21: Solstice (5:02am EST)
30: Full Moon
december 2020