happy birthday, rawpixel, put the light here, spiritual journey

We just turned 5!!

happy birthday, rawpixel, put the light here, spiritual journey


It was February 2014 and I was living in South Beach, Miami. Learning lessons and trying to discover who I really was. (And hoping that I’d find out within…you know…a couple months!)

Spirit told me to get a web domain: PutTheLightHere.com. So I did. And then I freaked out.

“What am I supposed to do NOW?” says my journal entry. “Start a company…? Eek.”

But Mercury was in retrograde and so these things happen: Course corrections.

Five years later, this little domain went from holding space on the web, to a one-page (very homemade) site, to a registered company, to a fulsome (still homemade) site that offers healing and wisdom to the world.

It’s been quite a ride and I’m really proud of the result.

Happy Birthday to my baby. ?

Thank you for allowing me to share it with you.


donations, sponsorship, thank you, energy exchange, gratitude

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