laura ockel, valentine's day, empath valentine, energy clearing, lightworkers

“Valentine’s Day”: Why does it warrant an energy clearing?

Several years ago, when I was doing energy work intensely for the planet, Valentine’s Day rolled around and I found myself crushed by the weight of the energies—cheating, betrayal, jealousy, loneliness, etc.

These emotions were circulating through the world, and their collective weight was very hard to bear, let alone process.

Valentine’s Day is approaching once again, and these emotions are beginning to come to the surface of people’s lives.

As they do, we have permission to remove them from the planet (permanently).

In this way, you, me, and everyone else will not feel these burdens as strongly as we might have.

The world instead will be a little lighter.

That is the intent of the February 4, 2019, teleconference: Precluding the negative feelings associated with this manmade holiday by removing them in advance. (And checking on the fallout from last month’s eclipses.)

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Unite the Light.

~ Jen


If you would like to contribute to my work for our planet, then I receive donations with gratitude.

valentine’s day


laura ockel, valentine's day, empath valentine, energy clearing, lightworkers united

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