Ascension, awakening, lightworker, disclosure, light support,

The Tidal Wave of Change

Looking beneath the surface of our world, we can see a significant thing happening: masses of people who are standing up to the systems that are proving to be harmful, not helpful.

People are standing up for truth, transparency, disclosure, fairness, equality, justice, and so much more.

People are standing up no matter the costs to their personal safety, financial security, or reputations.

People are standing up in public—clearly and publicly taking their stance in ways that are difficult to miss. People are standing up quietly, privately, in the background—taking the necessary actions needed to facilitate their unique brand of change.

There are so many people waking up to a feeling inside of them that is saying, “This is no longer acceptable. I must do something about it.”

There is a tidal wave of change happening in our world, right this moment, in nearly every realm imaginable. Can you feel it?

This is The Great Awakening. This is The Shift. This is The Age of Aquarius. This is us breaking out of The Matrix.

This is our New World; being created right now, by you, by me, by millions of others on this planet.

We are the ones who have come to shift this planet and this race to a higher level of consciousness.

It’s already happening.

The foundation has been laid and it is strong.

We need only keep building; keep defining what we want; keep cultivating those intentions.

We got this.


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