reiki reviews, healer reviews, energy healing testimonials, energy healing reviews, ottawa healer

“I’m always so focused during the session that I don’t notice how much better I feel until it’s done, but then I suddenly feel much lighter and so relaxed.” energy healing jen wozny, energy healing testimonials, reiki ottawa review

~ Danielle
reiki testimonials, reiki master review

“The minute you hear [Jen’s] voice, a feeling of peace and tranquility washes over you.”

~ Gianna

energy healing testimonials, reiki testimonials

“Your brief impromptu session with me last year was remarkable.

“The issue I had completely disappeared and hasn’t resurfaced.

“Thank you!”

~ Melanie

energy healer jen wozny, energy healing reviews

“I can’t thank you enough!!! Thank you for the work you do with me, but with everyone – I’m not sure what we would do without your light.”

~ Katherine

reiki master review, energy healing ottawa review

“I have had the pleasure of working with Jen on many occasions over the past few years. She is my only ‘go to person’, when I am unsure of what is going on energetically… frankly because no one else understands the many facets of energy like she does!!

“When I come to Jen for guidance, she is wholly present and pays attention to each minute detail, in order to help me fully understand my situation.

“As a fellow energy worker, she understands the depths, breadth and magnitude of deep energy healing/clearing. Her extensive experience and counsel have honestly been immensely transformative for me, on a personal and professional level.

“She is a wonderful coach and mentor on this Life Journey. I cannot recommend her enough. If you are drawn to Jen, then you couldn’t be in better hands!”

~ Jacinthe

reiki reviews, energy healing ottawa review

“Ever since I met Jen Wozny, all she has ever done is helped.  I am not writing this review for any reason but to hopefully help others to know how amazing her services are and how helpful they truly are, so that others can benefit from her wonderful gifts. Her services are so calming, healing and completely rid me of tension and stress. She has helped me with soul recall and has helped me really heal myself so that I may be my authentic self.

“Her products are all amazing and are sent wonderfully and all come cleansed and with wonderful energy, ready to help. I have never felt such an amazing healing as Jen’s. She is sensitive to others and is always so polite, happy and helpful. I am so happy I’ve been blessed with meeting her and having her help on multiple occasions. The lightness and healing I feel after each healing is the best feeling. Thank-you, Jen, for all you do and for sharing your wonderful gift with the world.”

~ Kade

reiki healer review

“I’ve known Jen for several years; and, upon meeting her, was instantly aware of a rare connectivity. In both business and personal settings she has proven to be multi talented spiritually, trustworthy, respectful and reliable. Her genuine and intuitive nature provides a comfortable and serene feeling of overall wellbeing in partaking of her various approaches or modalities. It is my sincere belief that if you’re drawn to Jen then you’re blessed with a loving light and now poised to learn and gracefully evolve as needed through mastering or understanding whatever portion of your current life path you’re seeking to master.”

~ Debbie


“If you resonate with being a light worker, you signed up for a challenging, sometimes seemingly cruel life. Jen can regain your light and your power back to you as well as bring clarity so you can understand what the heck is happening. Please keep in mind this takes some time but is absolutely worth the effort

“She has changed my life. I’m so very grateful for her”

~ Wendy

reiki healer review

“Jen was there for my family and I during some of our darkest and most challenging days. She is a true professional. Incredibly knowledgeable. Wonderfully talented and a friend for life. Thank you for everything!”

~ Dylan


“I so enjoyed the meet your higher self meditation that Jen did. The meditation was quite simple and I felt confident.

“Since meeting my higher self, I have more energy and more confidence in myself. I will be joining for the next one.

“Thank you Jen”

~ Ellen

“She is a very unique and inspiring individual who…I met…and…we only spoke for about five minutes…but [I] just felt her energy.

“[T]ruly, I’m telling you, that her energy is very calming, very kind, very open. It’s definitely something that I found really, really nice from her.”

~ Bree Palmer, introducing her interview with Jen on the Amazing Humans podcast

Review of Jen’s 2-day course, “Lightworker: Level 1”:

“I just completed the Lightworker Level 1 course.

“As an entry level to the Lightworker series, Level 1 was full of pertinent information to keep us sane in this period of change. Such a gentle soul, Jen clearly has a background in teaching since she’s an excellent communicator and her passion to help people makes her radiate.

”She distinguishes herself from other teachers in the sense that she puts an emphasis in the distinction between dark and light forms, which can often be disguise. She teaches us how to recognize it and what to do about it.”

~ Nathalie

energy healing testimonials, reiki testimonials

“My home and property clearing by Jen was amazing.

“The report was very detailed and the recommendations were great.

“I highly recommend it.”

~ Danielle

reiki master review, reiki reviews

5-Star Product Review:


“You know that feeling you get when you walk into your favourite corner cafe to pick up your favourite warm beverage? Jen’s Wednesday calls provide that same familiar, feel-good environment (at approximately the same price as a grande soy cappuccino!)

“There is something so soothing about the way Jen delivers her stories and insights that keeps me coming back each week. If you’re looking for a comfortable place to hang out for an hour – where you’ll learn about new ways of looking at life, the universe, and yourself – then save yourself the drive to your local coffee shop and dial in here instead! ”

~ Lynn

energy healing reviews, reiki reviews

5-Star Product Review:


“You totally rocked this call!!!!!!!!!

“1000 stars for this one! Blimey I wanted you to continue on and on.

“My God Jen, unflipping believable! ”


energy healing jen wozny, energy healing testimonials

5-Star Product Review:

“I participated in my first Wednesday call with Jen on 7/19/2017 and I am so thankful that I joined the call. In addition to providing a thoroughly relaxing and very complete Reiki-Plus session, Jen also provides a great introduction and wrap-up regarding the process.

“I have “always” had issues that relate to my throat / 5th chakra: tonsillitis, strep throat, stiff neck, dislike of having my neck touched, laryngitis, difficulties consistently speaking my truth… and so forth…

“Within five minutes of completing the session i noticed two hives on my neck – and I am not prone to hives. Clearly, “something” had been stirred up with the session. I followed Jen’s recommendations for post-treatment self-care and five days after the first treatment I played the recording of the session to give myself a second treatment to continue to facilitate the cleansing / clearing / re-calibration process.

“The hives have almost completely disappeared. More interestingly, the day immediately following the first treatment I was inspired to dust off the cobwebs on a spiritual website that I created several years ago.

“I know this treatment gave me the last (big) nudge I need and I have FINALLY found my voice and have begun speaking my truth. Literally. Every day since resurrecting my website I have posted an audio blog – happily speaking my truth having literally and figuratively found my voice.”

~ Sharon

reiki testimonials, reiki ottawa review

“Love, love, love! This was my first time on the call, I was blown away at the incredible wisdom and knowledge @putthelighthere shared with us. This is my work as well, however the meditation and energy work on this call was one of the most powerful and expansive meditations I’ve experienced. I loved it!”

~ Mary

energy healing reviews, reiki reviews

Review of Jen’s 2-day course, “Lightworker: Level 1”: energy healing reviews, reiki reviews

“WOW! Perfect!!!

“Thank you, Jen, for putting in the years of ground work needed to facilitate such an intuitive offering in your Lightworker course. Such an act of kindness to gather then pour forth truths to benefit not only the participants but humankind as well.

“I also enjoyed the collection of fellow life travelers brought together to learn from your wisdom. Bonus!

“The insight shared was invaluable, timely and truth centered. Your respectful approach to both the subjects covered and the attendees was extremely sensitive and based on a high ethical standard that sets you above the crowd.

“You displayed the skills of a phenomenal facilitator while capably responding to every question and holding the space open, clear and comfortable.

“I certainly recommend the course to anyone that assists or aspires to assist the evolutionary process which is our true calling.”

~ Debbie

reiki master review

Review of Jen’s 2-day course, “Lightworker: Level 1”:

“Wow, incredible and amazing course Jen!  I am immensely grateful you developed and brought forward your Lightworker Level 1 Course, this information is greatly needed by all.  It gives people a framework to view things from a different perspective.

“You are one of the most profoundly impactful teachers I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen many over the years. You’re tremendously knowledgeable and insightful and have a teaching style that is detached and objective, extremely respectful and kind all at the same time.

“Honest to God Jen, your teaching style is truly profound; it’s so clear and you don’t have any personal biases enmeshed in the teachings. There’s no underlying agenda or pressure in any way.  It’s just, ‘here’s the information, take from it what is right for you’.

“But it’s also this: you’re soft, you’re gentle, there’s no aggression.  You offer very highly knowledgeable and intelligent information conveyed in a way that causes no offense to anybody.  There’s none of what I call the ‘personality issues’ that other ‘spiritual teachers’ sometimes teach from.  Too often their own personal biases, unhealed issues, egos, emotions and reactivity get in the way and it triggers people.  You provide a very safe, trauma-sensitive learning and sharing environment, I just love it.

“I have never seen anybody in all my years teach in this manner. The world would be a better place if all teachers were like that.  You are so respectful of the participants that it almost boggles my mind because I just have never seen that level of integrity in any teacher or teaching environment.

“You are an Authentic spiritual teacher.  You fully embody the teachings.”

~ Mary

energy healing jen wozny, energy healing testimonials

5-Star Product Review:


“I really didn’t know what to expect from this call given that I listened to it on the same day as someone was killed in a car accident AND on a commuter train on the same route I take to work every day.

“The insights that Jen offered on this particular call gave me a way to process these complex and scary occurrences without de-humanizing them.

“I also found the meditation from this call particularly impactful.

“As always, thank you for your wisdom, Jen!”

~ Lynn

energy healing testimonials, reiki testimonials

5-Star Product Review: healing testimonials

“Your meditation was out of this world Jen. I’d love to have it as a stand alone meditation, seriously you are truly remarkable and flow without pause, up and up, and expand into the ethers.

“I was pulled out and floating in a soft, embracing place. Come back to the body? No way! I wanted to stay.

“My God you have incredible talent, I’ve no idea where or how you learned to do this. It’s beyond powerful.

“Out of 5 stars I would suggest a new star level of 100 stars. That’s what I’d give it, meaning 5 will have to do.”

~ Mary

reiki master review, reiki healer review
reiki testimonials, reiki ottawa review

Here are some things that clients say after our sessions:

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If you would like to work with me, click here to arrange an appointment.

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Privacy and confidentiality are important to me.  All reviews with names are shared with the client’s express permission.