Happy 2025: Here’s what lies ahead–and why
Happy New Year! Happy 2025!! How are you doing? How have your holidays been so far? energy forecast 2025, energy of 2025, what lies ahead 2025, ottawa spiritual 2025
This is my annual newsletter where I share my intuitive sense of the year ahead, so that you can know what to expect, know how to plan, and have hope that things are getting better.
I’m going to be honest: 2025 feels messy. And really intense. And fast moving. And filled with change–both destructive and constructive.
I’ve given a lot of thought about what to write, and at one point had so much to say that I considered just hosting a day-long event to share it all.
But let me just say this: Change is here. And you have to be ready for it. That has been my message all these years: Prepare your inner world and your outer life for the reality of what is happening to our world.
What’s happening to our world, you ask? It is transforming. Fundamentally for the good; but on the surface it’s really bad in some places.
Let me back up: Every 5,000 years or so, planet Earth goes through significant changes. A lot of the reason for this is that the astrological influences–which is to say the *energetic* influences–that affect this planet change. The energetic change affects all life down here, as well as our level of consciousness. By “level of consciousness” I mean, very generally, the way we think, the way we perceive ourselves, and whether and to what extent we think about the spirit world or the greater galaxy and universe of which we are a part. We shift essentially everything we do and how we do it.
Accompanying that type of shift is a change in the physical world, where civilizations fall or rise, and where the Earth herself undergoes, for example, major weather events and natural disasters.
The reason why this matters to you now is because we just finished one of these ~5,000-year cycles. We ended an epoch, and we have just started a new one. And the transition period is what we’re experiencing right this moment. That’s why everything seems to be falling apart–because it is, legitimately, falling apart. And it’s doing that: a) right on schedule; and b) so that the new era can be established.
So the good news is that *we knew this was coming.* Humans for thousands of years have known this would happen in the 21st century, and so we prepared for it. We’ve laid a lot of the groundwork–spiritually and energetically–to help everyone through this intense period of change.
what lies ahead 2025, ottawa spiritual 2025
The unpleasant news is that change at this scale is hard. It’s not going to be easy. And if you look at the news headlines, or just the food prices, you know that a lot of us are suffering.
One aspect of the change that’s happening is that time is moving faster. If we measure time as “events per second,” then more events are happening each day than in our past. It used to be, for example, that a major news event would happen only once per week. Now? There are multiple each day. In 2025 and beyond, expect that many more events per day are going to happen, and you and I have to respond to them.
Another aspect of the change is that, where we’re going, we can’t take our baggage with us. So all of the unhealed energy in both our souls as well as our ancestral lineages must be dealt with. But we can’t deal with it if we don’t know it’s there. So guess what? It’s going to keep pushing to the surface. Our personal baggage will come to the surface inside of ourselves; our collective baggage will come to the surface in our communities–local, national, and global. Our best strategy is to deal with it in as real-time a manner as possible. (In November 2024, for example, so much of my own baggage was pushed up that I worked through about 230 past lives. In one month alone! It was madness–but that’s how it’s going to be for us.)
I think the best thing we can all do in order to navigate what’s happening and what lies ahead is to align with our soul’s path, and let it guide us. Your soul doesn’t want you to hit any unnecessary speed bumps or go on any unnecessary detours. It wants you to be able to live the life you came here to live. And so it will guide you around the obstacles, and towards the goodness, every moment, if you let it. I invite you to let your soul take the lead.
And remember that amidst all the chaos on the surface of the world, there is so much good energy here for you to work with. We did plan for this. And we planned quite well. So align, too, with the higher, more positive, more equal and just versions of the world. And in this way, you make the “new world” more real with everything that you do. (I wrote more about unplugging yourself from the System here.)
I wish you a graceful navigation of 2025, and your highest possible trajectory (if you want that). I’ll be honoured to help you with your path if you’d like that.
energy forecast 2025, energy of 2025
Did You See These? In case you missed them, here are some of my articles from last year:
- Healing relationship wounds–with energy healing
- The Masculine-Feminine Split: “The experiment has ended”
- When Helplessness Becomes Rage, and What To Do About It
- Do your ancestors have this wound?
- Healing the Wounds of My Father: The reality of intergenerational trauma
- Energy Update: Separate, disconnect, and trust your higher path
- How’s your trajectory?
- Energy Update: Women’s Patriarchal pain is excruciating right now
- Honouring Soldiers and Vets: There’s help even after death
- Participating Means Perpetuating: Here’s how we change the System
is there hope for 2025
In-Person Sessions: Would you like to do a session in person? I’ll be at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario, on:
- Saturday, January 18
Visit my real-time calendar to check availability and book your spot.
what lies ahead 2025, ottawa spiritual 2025
Phone-based Sessions: My practice is global. If you’d like to work together this month, let’s do that—by phone in Canada and the Continental USA, or by Skype for international locations. Choose from the Standard Appointment (1 hour), an Extended Appointment (1.5 hours), a Deep Healing Appointment (2 hours), an Intensive Healing Appointment (3 hours), or a Partial Appointment (30 minutes). Or, start with a free consultation.
what will 2025 be like, ottawa spiritual 2025
I wish you a beautiful start to 2025!
energy forecast 2025, energy of 2025
is there hope for 2025
Wednesday, January 8: Appointments resume.
Saturday, Janaury 18: In-person sessions at Green Spirit in Manotick, Ontario (5562 Main Street). 11:30am to 5:00pm. To book, visit my calendar and book yourself into your preferred time.
Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype. Choose from the Standard Appointment (1 hour), an Extended Appointment (1.5 hours), a Deep Healing Appointment (2 hours), an Intensive Healing Appointment (3 hours), or a Partial Appointment (30 minutes). Or, start with a free consultation.
is there hope for 2025
ottawa spirituality 2025
ottawa spiritual 2025
Celestial Influences: January 2025
13: Full Moon
29: New Moon
30: Uranus Retrograde ends
what will 2025 be like
what to expect 2025, ottawa spirituality 2025
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energy forecast 2025, energy of 2025
what lies ahead 2025, ottawa spirituality 2025
All information and ideas expressed in this message are the copyright and intellectual property of Jen Wozny, founder of www.PutTheLightHere.com.
© 2025 Jen Wozny. All rights reserved.