December News: Warm wishes; and holiday hours
Happy December! Happy Holiday season! And Merry Christmas!!
How are you doing?
Love. Light. Peace. Joy. Singing. Angels. Heaven. Warmth. Hope. Goodwill. Kindness.
Christmastime feels like Home, doesn’t it?
Whatever is happening in your life, and whatever you celebrate, I hope that the deep and meaningful spirit of the season surrounds you and fills you with its warmth.
Lots of Celestial Energy This Month: Astrologically, this is another noteworthy month. Three retrogrades come to an end (Neptune, Chiron, and Jupiter); and one retrograde begins (Mercury). The ending of three retrogrades should free up a lot of our energy and enable us to move forward in the parts of our lives which correspond to the energies of each planet. And the part about Mercury retrograding…well, I’m sure you know what it does to us: asks us to slow our minds, slow our thoughts, be very deliberate and careful in our communication, and examine whether any part of our life needs to be course corrected.
Go with the flow.
But we also have Solstice this month, and Solstice is when the Earth’s tilt is at its farthest point away from center. It’s a time when light can flood the planet, and we can be lifted higher. This year, Solstice falls on Thursday, December 21 at 10:27pm EST. If it feels right to you, then ask that the Solstice energy fill you.
Holiday Hours: I’ll be on holidays from December 16 to January 5.
While I’m away, my online shop will still be active:
- Appointments can be bought and booked.
- Gifts of Healing can be bought and given.
- Crystals can be ordered. (I will ship when business resumes on January 6.)
That said, my three email-based services will be unavailable for purchase until I return: Energy by Email (healing without an appointment); Psychopomp (helping loved ones cross over); and Energy Clearings for Home and Property.
Please note that my last day of appointments is Friday, December 15.
Appointments Make Great Gifts: Including for you! If you’d like to receive a healing session for Christmas, just share this link, and let the gifter choose from four levels of appointment.
In-Person Sessions: I’m still unable to rent the room at Green Spirit this month, with apologies to those clients whom I usually see in person. If you need some healing I invite you to use a phone appointment instead, which can be booked here.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Whether it’s for you or someone else,
all appointment options are here.
Saturday, December 9: Class 10 of the Heal Your Soul online course. (Final class.) 11am to 2pm EST on Zoom.
Saturday, December 16 to Friday, January 5: Closed for the holidays.
Every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Soul-level energy healing and life coaching appointments, by phone/Skype. Choose from the Standard Appointment (1 hour), an Extended Appointment (1.5 hours), a Deep Healing Appointment (2 hours), or a Partial Appointment (30 minutes). Or, start with a free consultation.
Celestial Influences: December 2023
6: Neptune Retrograde ends
12: New Moon
13: Mercury Retrograde begins
21: Solstice (10:27pm EST)
27: Full Moon
27: Chiron Retrograde ends
31: Jupiter Retrograde ends
“You are Loved.”
Pink Tourmaline heals emotional trauma, especially related to the heart.
It encourages a person to gently open their heart again.
It enables them to feel safe as they open to fuller expressions of love.
Gold stimulates the flow of stagnant energy, revitalizing a person and propelling them forward in a healing way.
I made this bracelet for those who have experienced trauma; for those of us whose hearts are battered or even closed.
I made this so that every time we look at it, we know that we are loved.
The Loved bracelet is also available in White Moonstone, which is the classic stone for the development of intuition, receptivity, meditative calm, psychic skills, and the soothing, gentle, feminine energy that we associate with the moon.