in the realm of hungry ghosts, trauma informed, trauma healing,

Towards a trauma-informed world (short post)

Recently, I watched the beautiful film, “The Wisdom of Trauma.”  And now I’m reading the gutting but honest book, “In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction.”  Both pieces share the work of the esteemed Dr. Gabor Maté, Canadian physician and addiction expert.

I wholeheartedly agree with his premise: Our entire world needs to be trauma informed.

Not just the communities that are clearly “health” based, like medicine and education.

But also our businesses and governments.


Because we all have experienced some sort of trauma. But most of us are hiding it.

And that affects every single thing that we do, and every person with whom we interact.

And that harms our world.

Having spent time in the national security community, I know this first-hand.

Now, as I heal my clients, I seek to become ever-more trauma informed.

If you, too, seek the same, then I highly recommend not only Dr. Maté’s book (in the photo), but also “The Body Keeps the Score” by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk.

Bring your tissues. We know not what we do to each other.

If you have questions about the deep healing work that I offer to clients, feel welcome to ask.

In the light of healing,


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