Helping Loved Ones Cross Over: What is “Psychopomp”?
When we lose a loved one, we sometimes think they are gone forever, as well as beyond help. But neither is true. Their soul is still alive. And that soul can still be helped. psychopomp services mindful dying death soul healing conscious
One ancient way of helping is called “psychopomp.” This is essentially a form of energy healing…done on someone who just passed away…to help them get Home…safely and gently.
Psychopomp is a service offered by some energy healers, particularly those who practice Shamanism. It’s a service that I, too, offer.
I generally do it up to 14 days after departure. soul healing conscious dying death
But we can help any soul–whenever and *however* they left.
One example? Someone who was the target of violent crime. Such souls often get stuck–bound by the trauma that ended their life. help loved one cross over crossing
But we can, posthumously, heal a traumatized, brutalized soul. And in doing so, bring them peace.
Read more about psychopomp on my dedicated page: https://putthelighthere.com/services/psychopomp-helping-loved-ones-cross-over/.
services mindful dying death soul healing conscious
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Psychopomp: Helping your loved one when they die – Put The Light Here
May 30, 2023 at 5:48 pm
[…] More information is here. […]