From Spiritual Journey to Spiritual Business (Podcast): “We know what’s right for us”
I had the pleasure of speaking with Ottawa’s Heather Cameron, about the entrepreneurial aspects of my spiritual journey. spiritual business
We covered a number of subjects, from the importance of being in harmony with the Universe, to the fact that we alone know what is right for us–no matter how many people voice their opinions.
Also inherent in the discussion is this fact: It’s when we get uncomfortable that we grow. Facing our fears is uncomfortable. Healing ourselves is uncomfortable. Confronting an aggressor is uncomfortable. Trying something new is uncomfortable.
But being on the other side of that discomfort can be so freeing. We can, for example, discover more of who we really are and more of what we love to do.
I invite you to listen to the podcast:
Here’s how the conversation unfolded, with thanks to Heather for providing these notes:
(2:00) Jen’s road trip to heal herself and become an energy healer and life coach
(6:21) keeping the leap of faith private and listening to what is right for yourself
(7:40) stepping into what the Universe offers
(12:00) what Jen’s 20-year-old self would have thought of her road trip
(14:30) what we are actually capable of is often more than we ever think we can do
(19:00) making a business out of everything Jen learned and using it to help others
(22:15) being aware of how you want to receive something helps you learn how to serve people in your own unique way
(24:20) offering business services in the way that feels right, which also means being different
(27:50) re-framing our language to determine whether we actually want to do something
(31:35) focusing on the fundamentals of business—even for a “spiritual” or “conscious” business
(32:40) the need to raise awareness when working in a business that is “alternative” or unique
(35:45) how to re-charge when we’re an empath.
I also invite you to use the comments to share your experiences with discomfort, personal growth, entrepreneurship, or living a spiritual life.
Some things to think about: What things make you uncomfortable? What holds you back from doing them? What tiny thing can you do right now to embrace that discomfort and grow?
~ Jen
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Comments ( 1 )
From Spiritual Journey to Spiritual Business (Podcast): “We know what’s right for us” – Put The Light Here
July 4, 2019 at 11:44 am
[…] This article was originally published on my website: PutTheLightHere.com. […]