New Year’s Eve: Free Teleconference to Clear Negative Energy from the World
Did you know that New Year’s Eve is a violent night, across all of the world? People everywhere are partying, drinking, acting out, and committing acts against victims.
Rather than empathically feel all of this activity (yet again), or do worldwide energy clearing by myself (as I do most days), I am doing something even greater about it:
On New Year’s Eve, I will be hosting a 45-minute teleconference to gather together all willing participants to facilitate a clearing of negative, harmful energy across our whole Earth.
Anyone may participate. No experience with meditation or energy healing is needed. The whole event will be guided, and we will tap into our own abilities and intentions.
The event is free (though donations are always appreciated).
Participation is entirely through the teleconference website: https://instantteleseminar.com/Events/112648188.
Just click the link and settle in.
We are powerful beings. Let’s indeed heal the world, end 2018 on a high note, and start 2019 fresh.
~ Jen Wozny
Founder of Put The Light Here
UPDATE: January 1, 2019
We had a beautiful healing event on New Year’s Eve. Participants joined from multiple continents. And our efforts, as reported, spanned this entire Universe–not just this one planet. We made a positive difference.
If you would like to say thank you for this event, or contribute to my ongoing efforts, then your gratitude donation is warmly appreciated.
~ Jen