Sticking up for truth and children
I recently wrote an article about kids and imaginary friends, and how sometimes those friends are actually spirits–and how sometimes those spirits are harmful. I then shared it in a Facebook group; one that tries to help kids by discussing progressive, often scientific methods. It’s a group that I really like, because it is so open-minded and practical.
And so I shared “Kids and Imaginary Friends: Why you need to see if it’s really a spirit, and what to do if it’s a bad one,” with the disclaimer that it was purely for information and that if it truly wasn’t appropriate, then I understood if the group administrators would delete it.
In just the three days since I wrote it, this article has the highest number of reads of any of my ~150 blog posts. It also has the highest amount of engagement–from moms, whose own kids have been visited by spirits.
Yet one person didn’t like that I’d shared something like this in a group that is about science:
So below is my response—summarizing the science behind that which we call “spirituality.”
“Well, the science community has studied spiritual phenomena for more than a hundred years. It simply has been kept out of mainstream literature–but we’re finding these days that much has been kept out of mainstream literature.
“As one example, Dr. Russel Targ studied psychic phenomena on behalf of the US Government. His findings were published in his book, “The Reality of ESP.”
“And reknowned physicist Nassim Haramein says, “Spirituality is merely the physics we haven’t discovered yet.” Other quantum physicists join him in saying that what we believed impossible only decades ago has now been proved absolutely possible, even factual. Therefore, that branch of science keeps an open mind about what reality truly is.
“As well, the mainstream healthcare community is increasingly incorporating spirituality into their practices, such as with Shamans in mental health wards, and Reiki healers in hospitals.
“Neuroscience, specifically, has indeed studied psychic phenomena. For example, famous Medium Theresa Caputo’s brain was evaluated while she connected with Spirit, and was shown to have unusual activity.
“Earlier this week in this group, someone shared a post which quoted a child as saying “I have the devil in me.” The therapist’s response was to re-frame the child’s perspective. But what if that child really had some malevolent spirit affecting them? Then we would completely miss what was happening with the child, and even though they told us clearly what the problem was, we would dismiss it.
“One child’s spiritual experience was dismissed so much that the child almost killed themselves.
“If our intention is to support our children, then it’s important that we have open minds about what could really be affecting them. And indeed, there have been conversations in this group about the fact that children presenting with serious challenges might actually be experiencing spiritual phenomenon.
“So with all that in mind, I shared the article, for the sake of helping children–by helping their caregivers to understand another perspective. But again, if truly it is not right for this group, then I invited the admins to delete it.”
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