body image, heal body image, ancestral healing body image, self love, cultural body image

“How do I heal my body image issues?”

Question: How do I heal my body image issues? heal body image love my body beliefs ancestral society cultural heal the way i feel about myself self love energy healing reiki

Answer: Our body image can be shaped by so many things. For example: lineage / ancestry; past-life problems; society’s beliefs about how we “should” look and act; our own insecurities, some of which stem from childhood; and more.

So, here are some things you can do to help yourself overcome these things that hold you back from fully loving yourself.

1. Do an energy clearing to get off of you any beliefs, opinions, and judgments that are not even yours.

2. Do an energy healing to bring to an end all issues that come from your ancestors, as well as from your past lives.

3. Introspect: Focus in on the specific issues you’re dealing with. Then, with each issue, ask why it is there. Keep asking “why” until you have unpacked it right down to the root cause of where this came from; that’s what needs to be healed. Use the healing modalities that you are drawn to.

4. Throughout this process, keep giving compassion to your body. However you feel about it, your body has always been there for you, supporting you.

heal body image love my body beliefs ancestral society cultural

For a story of how I came to peace with some of my own body image issues, read “Something’s Got To Give: I eat ice cream, and I’m okay with that.”

heal the way i feel about myself self love energy healing reiki

For help with your healing and clearing efforts, book an appointment.


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