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Metaphysical Properties of This Product
Aqua Lemuria: Aqua Lemuria is the name given to a glass-like stone said to have been formed by a volcano in Indonesia. Given the island’s proximity to the lost continent of Lemuria, this stone is said to carry the energies and wisdom of that ancient civilization, and to offer the ability to download that wisdom.
Aqua Lemuria can help one to connect with deeper levels of the heart. It offers soft, loving, feminine energies; connection to ancient times; access to the Akashic Records; communion with the higher realms; and the pure vibration of the water element, which helps to cleanse and charge one’s aura.
Mohs hardness: Unknown.

Group: Unknown.
Pearl: Pearls are ruled by the energies of the moon and water, and are therefore associated with: feminine energy; innocence; purity; integrity; sincerity; truth; faith; and wisdom. Their energy may help to cultivate one’s intuitive abilities, provide a sense of calm and centeredness, and instill self-acceptance.
Physically, Pearls are said to dissipate stress, tension, and headaches; and to help disorders of the digestive tract.
Pearls, Freshwater (cultured): Cultured, Freshwater Pearls are said to offer the same properties are natural Pearls.
Mohs hardness: 2.5-3.5.
Group: Calcium carbonate. lemuria crystal
Quartz (Clear): Clear Quartz is best known for two characteristics: it is an amplifier; and it can be programmed. The former means that this stone will amplify the energies and characteristics of whatever is near it–be it another stone or a feeling. This characteristic is often used by healers to magnify the energies that they channel into a patient.
The latter means that intentions and energies can be set into the stone, and it will hold these programs very well. (Because Clear Quartz is programmed so easily, when you obtain one of these stones, it is important to clear all prior programming that may be in it–either accidentally or deliberately–unless you are aware of the programming and give permission for it. Put The Light Here clears all of our stones prior to using them in our products.) Of all stones, Clear Quartz is essentially the pure and empty vessel, the blank slate, awaiting instructions.
Additionally, this stone can clear blocks in the body, intensify psychic and spiritual experiences, and unlock memories.
Mohs hardness: 7.

Group: Quartz (silicon dioxide).
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