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About This Course
Who Should Take This Course?
Curriculum and Schedule
Administrative Details
Certificate of Completion
About the Teacher
Terms and Conditions
Benefits of Energy Healing
spiritual awakening online course, awakening course
About This Course
This course is about you healing you.
This course is about reconnecting with your soul, and remembering gifts that you learned and earned through many lifetimes. It’s about bringing those gifts into this lifetime, to use to your benefit.
This modality has the potential to set you free—truly free of constraints, limitations, wounds (be they yours or someone else’s that you’re carrying), and connections to everything except for your highest self and truest potential.
Through this course you will meet your soul: that ancient body of wisdom that you are, have always been, and will ever be; and which guides your life even in this moment. You will bring that soul down here into your human life, so that you are fully empowered and in control.
You will meet Source, the energy that birthed us all, and which is your birthright to befriend and work with.
You will develop your psychic skills, learning how to connect with the non-physical world, interact with it, and receive information from it.
You will learn the basics of what it means to do remote energy healing: the use and/or the manipulation of energy to facilitate healing. And then you will learn powerful methods to do specific, fundamental types of healing.
All throughout, you will be using this wisdom and these techniques to heal yourself. After each healing, you will feel better, lighter, more free, more empowered, and more whole.
If this is right for you, then I invite you to apply now.
If you have questions, please schedule a free phone consultation with me.
~ Jen
awaken my soul, self healing course, how to do energy healing on myself, spiritual awakening online course
Who Should Take This Course?
You know there is something big inside of you that wants to come out. You know that there is so much more to you than what you have discovered so far. You believe in, or at least acknowledge, psychic abilities. You believe in the world of spirit. You believe in Source (or God or the All). You somehow are suffering: from pains, traumas, emotional wounds, or just wounds that you can’t identify but you know they’re there. You want to break free from what ails you, what tries to make you small, what has maybe even imprisoned your ancestors for a long time. You feel called to become your greatest self. You maybe don’t know how to do that or would appreciate some guidance along the way. You are willing and ready to excavate your soul, bring the darkness into the light, and reintegrate all of your lost energy and power. You have the time, or are willing to make it, to dedicate the next 10 months to your healing journey.
If this resonates with you, then this is your course.
This course is open to you wherever you are physically located, as it occurs entirely online. (All times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time.)
Please note that there is a prerequisite for this course: You must have had at least one 60-minute appointment with Jen in the last year. This shows that you are truly dedicated to the path of healing, and also enables Jen to get to know your energy at a deep level, which enables her to ensure that all students in the course have energies that are safe.
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awaken my soul connect to my soul, self healing course, how to do energy healing on myself
Curriculum and Schedule
Class #1: Saturday, March 11, 2023
Class #2: Saturday, April 8, 2023
Class #3: Saturday, May 13, 2023
Class #4: Saturday, June 10, 2023
Class #5: Saturday, July 8, 2023
Class #6: Saturday, August 12, 2023
Class #7: Saturday, September 9, 2023
Class #8: Saturday, October 14, 2023
Class #9: Saturday, November 11, 2023
Class #10: Saturday, December 9, 2023
spiritual awakening online course, awakening course
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self healing course, how to do energy healing on myself, awakening course, spiritual awakening online course
Administrative Details
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Certificate of Completion
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self healing course, how to do energy healing on myself, spiritual awakening online course, awakening course
About the Teacher
Jen Wozny is a Holistic Energy Healer who blends Reiki, Shamanism, Psychic Healing, and the skills that her soul has developed over many lifetimes. She actually did not set out to become a healer; rather, she simply wanted to heal herself. That journey took her deeper and deeper into her soul, into wounds that were billions of years old, and into wounds that were located all across the Cosmos in different parts of time and space. Jen wasn’t able to find an existing healer who could understand what was happening to her or who was able to ease her suffering. In order to become free of those wounds, then, Jen had to train herself to heal at high levels; she was assisted in this by Spirit and Source, both of whom guided the process.
Jen’s years-long journey encompassed simultaneously the Spiritual Awakening process, the Dark Night of the Soul, the Hero’s Journey, high-level Lightwork at this time of great need on Earth, and a version of the Shamanic Awakening process, which ultimately tries to kill its subject.
Jen is one of the few energy healers who works with Dark energy, having studied it, faced off against it, and successfully dealt with it as part of not only her own healing process but the Lightworker tasks assigned to her. Dark energies are part of life. They are unpleasant at times, but if we truly want to be healed and awakened, then we cannot pretend that they don’t exist, and we certainly cannot pretend that they don’t affect us.
As trauma was such a large part of Jen’s own experience, the subject is close to her heart and she has studied PTSD and C-PTSD, and received continuing education credits from NICABM in healing trauma. She also puts a focus on ethics in all of her work and in her courses; ethics are rarely if ever taught in spiritual and energy healing circles, and much harm is caused as a result.

In her previous life, Jen had a background in national security and a career in the federal government, including to work for Canada’s National Security Advisor. Her teaching experience includes designing and teaching courses to the US National Security Agency, the US Department of Homeland Security, and her alma mater Mercyhurst University. She also wrote a Masters thesis about best practices in written communication, and applies this knowledge to ensure a clear, simplified delivery of spiritual and esoteric subjects.
Jen holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Intelligence Analysis. She is also a Reiki Master, Shamanic practitioner, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, and Life Coach.
To read more about Jen’s transformation, see “25,000 Miles to Me: Faith, Endurance, and Uncovering My True Self.”
For more information about Jen, please see here.
Read what clients and students are saying about Jen’s courses and healing services.
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Terms and Conditions
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awaken my soul connect to my soul, self healing course, how to do energy healing on myself,
Benefits of Energy Healing
Here is just a small sample of the benefits that soul-level energy healing, in the way that Jen practices and teaches it, can do for you:
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awaken my soul connect to my soul, self healing course, how to do energy healing on myself, spiritual awakening online course, awakening course
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