“The Elegance of the Feminine” Moonstone Earrings


These earrings exude elegance and sophistication. The Moonstone rondelles are full of blue flash (chatoyancy), and light up when worn.


These are made from:
– Moonstone (Grade B-); and
– Clear Quartz (Grade B).

All stones are faceted.  The earring wires are Sterling Silver.

Earring length: 1.75 inches.

This item comes in a jewelry box tied with ribbon.  Put The Light Here’s signature Moldavite charm comes as a separate piece, allowing you to use it as desired.  Crystal Care Instructions are included in your package.

Important note: You are purchasing one pair of our Elegance of the Feminine earrings, which may be different from the pair in the photographs.

Full product details are below.

2 in stock


Ships within 3-5 business days.  For questions about shipping, caring for your item, and more, please see the FAQs page.  Information about Moldavite may be found at the Metaphysical Properties of Crystals page.  moonstone earrings


Metaphysical Properties of This Product

Moonstone: As its name suggests, Moonstone is generally connected to the moon and the lunar qualities of yin/feminine energy, cooling and calming energy, intuitive abilities, patience, receptivity, and mystery. This stone is associated with the Goddess, the High Priestess, the Divine Mother energy, the lunar cycles, and the tides.

The energy of this stone awakens psychic abilities, particularly clairvoyance (inner sight) and prophecy; reveals hidden truths, particularly within oneself; assists travel to past and alternate lives; facilitates connection to and communion with spirit guides, and then encourages one to follow their guidance; enables one to more patiently wait for Divine Right Timing; and gently increases feelings of empathy, particularly when such feelings have had to be suppressed.**

Moonstone has a gentle, calming, loving, but wise and protective vibration. Many people feel comfort from it. In males, it can help to expand the feminine half of their energetic body, which brings them to closer to wholeness; enhance their ability to think non-linearly; and cultivate their natural intuitive abilities.*

Physically, Moonstone “is linked to the pineal gland and [so it] balances the hormonal system,”* which is particularly important during times of stress and emotional intensity. This stone may therefore heal “disorders of the upper digestive tract that are related to emotional stress.”* It also aids the rest of the digestive system; aids the reproductive system; assimilates nutrients; “alleviates degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes, and fleshy organs”; and treats insomnia.* Moonstone may be used to calm hyperactive, sensitive, or sleep-disturbed children.

Moonstone, Rainbow: Rainbow Moonstone “acts as a prism”; this characteristic “diffuses energy throughout the aura…[clears] the psychic senses…[and deflects] negativity and densities before they enter the energy field.”* This stone therefore offers psychic protection and keeps one’s energy clear. Rainbow Moonstone also offers joy, vitality, purification, inner harmony, and emotional balance.* “They are recommended for anyone who suffers from daily stress or…old emotional wounds…. They are stones of great Light…[and can help to activate] the Rainbow Body of Light.”* Rainbow Moonstones are “aligned with the energies of the Goddess [and the] spirits of Nature.”*

Moonstone, White: White Moonstone “represents the energy of the full moon at the height of its power.”* This stone stimulates psychic perception, inner vision, dream work, and the kundalini energy. White Moonstone also helps men to reach emotional balance and develop their receptive ability.*

Mohs hardness: 6-6.5.

Group: Feldspar (potassium aluminum silicate).  moonstone earrings


Quartz (Clear): Clear Quartz is best known for two characteristics: it is an amplifier; and it can be programmed. The former means that this stone will amplify the energies and characteristics of whatever is near it–be it another stone or a feeling. This characteristic is often used by healers to magnify the energies that they channel into a patient.

The latter means that intentions and energies can be set into the stone, and it will hold these programs very well. (Because Clear Quartz is programmed so easily, when you obtain one of these stones, it is important to clear all prior programming that may be in it–either accidentally or deliberately–unless you are aware of the programming and give permission for it. Put The Light Here clears all of our stones prior to using them in our products.) Of all stones, Clear Quartz is essentially the pure and empty vessel, the blank slate, awaiting instructions.

Additionally, this stone can clear blocks in the body, intensify psychic and spiritual experiences, and unlock memories.

Mohs hardness: 7.

Group: Quartz (silicon dioxide).  moonstone necklace


Silver: The energy of the metal Silver is associated with the moon and the qualities of lunar energy; “life force in its hidden aspect”; introversion; the unconscious; cooling and calming energy; a sense of mystery; and the archetypal feminine energy.* “Silver is second to gold in its electrical conductivity.”*

moonstone earrings

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